James Rydge
James Rydge was a Senior Policy Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics (LSE) up until October 2021. Through policy research and engagement with countries and international institutions, his work focuses on accelerating the transition to sustainable and inclusive growth and development. This involves working with the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and their Institutional Partners, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the OECD, to accelerate the mainstreaming of climate into finance ministry operations. Previously he was Lead Economist for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, New Climate Economy, and a Dahrendorf Research Fellow at LSE.
Before working on climate change, James worked in financial markets at the Bank of New York Mellon in London and in valuations at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Sydney. He has a PhD in financial markets from the University of Sydney.
Policy - 2021
This report sets out core elements of an overarching and integrated strategy for recovery from the COVID-10 pandemic and growth, as a contribution to the preparation for the G7 Summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall (11 to 13 June 2021). Read more
Policy - 2020
This paper provides a high-level and accessible overview of the most prominent methods and metrics emerging in the public and private sector to assess Paris alignment of finance flows and guide investment decisions. It aims to provide clarity for any finance actor who needs to understand and progress the Paris alignment of finance flows. Read more
This briefing paper sets out the key areas where strong economic policies and institutions will be needed to foster investment for the post-COVID-19 recovery, building on discussions in the Royal Economic Society's webinar series chaired by Professor Lord Stern. Read more
Policy - 2019
This report sets out the role that investors can play in delivering a just transition in the UK as the country works towards net-zero emissions, illustrating the implications through a set of place-based examples from Yorkshire and the Humber and setting out recommendations for investor action. Read more
Policy - 2018
This special report for the LSE Growth Commission shows why it is sensible for environmental sustainability to be at the heart of the UK’s growth strategy and how this can be achieved, setting out recommendations for government across the areas of innovation, infrastructure, skills and cities. Read more
Policy - 2011
The Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP)... Read more
News - 2020
Public and private finance are getting serious about aligning finance flows to meet the Paris Agreement objectives but progress needs to accelerate and assessment methods to be improved. Paris alignment is about system transformation – or ‘better development’ that serves both people and the planet – rather than a narrow concept of project-based finance flow alignment, argues James Rydge, as he explains the concepts, approaches, progress to date and further actions needed. Read more
The UK has a unique opportunity to ‘rebuild to last’ after COVID-19 and design an inclusive, resilient and sustainable growth strategy that builds off the Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update, argue James Rydge and Dimitri Zenghelis. Read more
Finance ministers have a unique opportunity to design and implement comprehensive stimulus packages that can drive a strong recovery and build a better future: so argues a new paper prepared at the request of the co-chairs of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and summarised in this commentary. Read more
News - 2018
Upon publication of a new special report for the LSE Growth Commission, the authors outline why it is sensible for environmental sustainability to be at the heart of the UK’s growth strategy and how this can be achieved. Read more