
Arlan’s research focuses on evaluating the impact of public policies, including energy taxes, on the adoption of energy-efficiency technologies by households and manufacturing companies.


Arlan completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. He completed an MA and BS in Economics at the University of the Philippines. Prior to pursuing his PhD Arlan was employed by Nathan Associates, Inc. and the Asian Development Bank. Arlan also taught undergraduate economics and statistics in Hawai`i and in the Philippines.

Research interests

  • Public policies on energy efficiency technologies
  • International trade, foreign direct investments and firm-level environmental performance
  • Climate change and household adaptation
  • Alternative power pricing schemes


Research - 2021

Research - 2019

Research - 2018

Research - 2017


Policy - 2020

The Philippines is highly exposed to natural hazards including typhoons. This report, finding that financial aid tends to be heavily focused on response to hazards rather than preparedness and resilience, investigates why further disaster risk policy intervention may be required at the local level and provides guidance to policymakers. Read more

Policy - 2018

This special report for the LSE Growth Commission shows why it is sensible for environmental sustainability to be at the heart of the UK’s growth strategy and how this can be achieved, setting out recommendations for government across the areas of innovation, infrastructure, skills and cities. Read more


News - 2019

News - 2018

News - 2017

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