
Amar Bhattacharya is a Visiting Professor in Practice at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE. Amar will be working closely with Lord Stern and his team on international finance, climate action and sustainable growth, as well as economic and climate policies in India. He will co-lead joint projects between the Institute and Brookings Institution.


Amar is a senior fellow in the Center for Sustainable Development, housed in the Global Economy and Development program at Brookings Institution. From April 2007 until September 2014 he was Director of the Group of 24, an intergovernmental group of developing country Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. 

Prior to taking up his position with the G24, Amar had a long-standing career in the World Bank.  His last position was as Senior Advisor and Head of the International Policy and Partnership Group. In this capacity, he was the focal point for the Bank’s engagement with key international groupings and institutions such as the G7/G8, G20, IMF, OECD and the Commonwealth Secretariat. 

Amar completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Delhi and Brandeis University and his graduate education at Princeton University.

Research interests 

  • the global economy
  • development finance
  • global governance
  • links between climate and development.


Policy - 2024

Policy - 2023

Actual investment performance on key climate priorities in emerging markets and developing countries has stalled. This second report from Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance focuses on how to accelerate investment to deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement and implement a framework for action. Read more

This joint report from the Grantham Research Institute and Systemiq contends that the world has in its hands a new growth and development story driven by investment and innovation in green technology, boosted by artificial intelligence (AI) – and this is a much more attractive and inclusive story than the dirty and destructive paths followed in the past. Read more

Policy - 2022

This paper assesses the investment requirements for emerging markets and developing economies that are critical to their development and climate goals, arguing for a big-push investment programme to boost growth and meet global temperature targets. Read more

Policy - 2021

This report sets out core elements of an overarching and integrated strategy for recovery from the COVID-10 pandemic and growth, as a contribution to the preparation for the G7 Summit taking place in Carbis Bay, Cornwall (11 to 13 June 2021). Read more

Policy - 2020

Policy - 2015


Events - 2021


News - 2023

News - 2022

News - 2021

News - 2020

Finance ministers have a unique opportunity to design and implement comprehensive stimulus packages that can drive a strong recovery and build a better future: so argues a new paper prepared at the request of the co-chairs of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and summarised in this commentary. Read more

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