
Danae Kyriakopoulou was a Distinguished Policy Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. She led the Institute’s policy work on the intersections of climate change, international finance and economic development. 

This has included work for the G7 Presidency on the proposed establishment of a Climate Club, and for the G20 Presidency on the role of the multilateral development bank system and the mobilisation of private sector capital for sustainable development through the High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG) on Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery and Growth in partnership with the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund and the Brookings Institution. She further contributes to GRI’s work for the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) and the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action on the role of financial policy-makers in the climate agenda. 

She has been honoured by the World Economic forum as a Young Global Leader and holds roles in various sustainability industry initiatives as an advisory board member including the London Stock Exchange Group’s Future of Sustainable Data Alliance (FoSDA) and the European Mortgage Federation’s Energy Efficiency Mortgages Initiative (EEMI).


From 2016 to 2021, Danae was the Chief Economist and Director of Research of the Official Monetary and Financial Institution Forum (OMFIF). As part of this, she set up the Sustainable Policy Institute and served as its Managing Director and Chair of its Advisory Council, of which she is now a member.

Previously, she was Managing Economist at the Centre for Economics and Business Research. She has also served as Senior Economic Adviser for Africa and Greater China for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and as an Economist at the Bank of Greece.

She holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and an MSc in Economics for Development from the University of Oxford. She is fluent in German, Greek and Spanish.

Research interests

  • Sustainable and inclusive economic development 
  • Greening the financial system
  • The role of international financial institutions and multilateral development banks


Research - 2023


Policy - 2023

This joint report from the Grantham Research Institute and Systemiq contends that the world has in its hands a new growth and development story driven by investment and innovation in green technology, boosted by artificial intelligence (AI) – and this is a much more attractive and inclusive story than the dirty and destructive paths followed in the past. Read more

Policy - 2022

This contribution to the European Mortgage Foundation’s report HYPOSTAT 2022: A Review of Europe’s Mortgage and Housing Markets presents data and evidence on the need for steadfast policy action to foster the transition to a low-carbon economy to meet agreed climate change targets within relevant timeframes. Read more

This paper reviews the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and their application by central banks to date. It also considers potential enhancements for central banks’ climate disclosures and their possible implications for the wider financial system. Read more


Events - 2022


News - 2023

News - 2022

China faces a golden opportunity to strengthen its climate leadership internationally in the areas of renewable energy, sustainable finance and innovation. Having already made important steps towards its climate goals domestically, the time is right for China to look globally, argues a new paper by leading policy advisors.  Read more

News - 2021

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