Denyse S. Dookie

Denyse joined the Institute in September 2019 within the Sustainable Development team led by Prof Declan Conway, and her work is broadly centred on using climate information for adaptation, disaster risk reduction and resilience. Her recent projects include:
- A focus on the Caribbean, through research on the perspectives on the usage of climate information within the region
- A focus on adaptation by organisations within the UK, through a survey of UK organisations on preparedness, adaptation and risk, including an understanding of adaptive capacity and the use of climate information.
She is a member of the Policy and Finance Commitee of the World Adaptation Science Programme, contributing to insights on adaptation effectiveness, as well as the UK Met Office-led UKCP Development and Knowledge Sharing Network. She was a contributing author on the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022.
Denyse completed her PhD in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. There, she combined climate information (including satellite rainfall data and storm advisories), economic and disaster data, alongside local perspectives, to focus on the potential for using climate information for disaster and climate risk management in the context of Caribbean small islands. Before the PhD programme, she completed MA degrees in Climate and Society (Columbia University) and in Development Studies/Economics of Development (International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Hague), as well as a post-graduate diploma in International Relations from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. Denyse has assisted a WB/ADB project by compiling climate change risk profiles for Pacific small islands, and has worked with the Inter-American Development Bank, UNDP, UNDESA, and the Permanent Mission of Trinidad and Tobago to the UN in New York.
Research Interests
- Evaluating and using climate information for decision-making
- Climate change adaptation and resilience, disaster risk reduction
- Climate and society
- Improving resilience to climate and weather shocks (including communication and preparedness)
- Small Island Developing States
- Adaptation finance
Research - 2024
This study focuses on two research questions: what factors influence adaptation actions by organisations?, and what do organisations mean by the term ‘adaptation’? Read more

Research - 2023
This paper offers an empirical contribution on Caribbean perspectives of climate information use considering current barriers and enablers in the region. Read more

Research - 2022
This paper initially highlights the relatively short average period of ‘storm awareness timing’ in the region, less than 24 hours, with variations in time and space. Next, it evaluates the results of a survey on communicating disaster risk by a range of participants at the 2016 Wet/Hurricane Season Caribbean Community Climate Outlook Forum in Dominica. Read more

Research - 2021
This chapter reviews global- and Caribbean-relevant literature regarding disaster risk management and reduction, as well as ongoing strategies and policies. Read more

Policy - 2025
This CETEx report aims to enhance understanding of sovereign catastrophe bonds, a type of insurance-linked security, as a tool in comprehensive disaster risk reduction. Read more

Policy - 2024
As Small Island Developing States (SIDS) continue to face climate-related challenges, climate information such as scientific weather and climate data... Read more

Policy - 2023
This report consists of a submission to the call for evidence by the Environmental Audit Committee on heat resilience and sustainable cooling. Read more

Policy - 2021
This report presents the headline findings from a national survey of UK-based organisations’ perceptions about adapting to a changing climate, providing insights into a wide range of factors affecting organisational and sectoral perspectives on preparedness, risk and adaptation. Read more

Policy - 2020
The Philippines is highly exposed to natural hazards including typhoons. This report, finding that financial aid tends to be heavily focused on response to hazards rather than preparedness and resilience, investigates why further disaster risk policy intervention may be required at the local level and provides guidance to policymakers. Read more

Books - 2021
This chapter reviews global- and Caribbean-relevant literature regarding disaster risk management and reduction, as well as ongoing strategies and policies. Read more

News - 2024
The gap in adaptation finance to support developing countries poses particular challenges for highly-vulnerable Small Island Developing States, who might turn to environmentally-damaging alternatives such as deep-sea mining as a result, this commentary explains. Read more