For those of you unable to attend the recent meetings of the Sigma Club, you can now view photos from our regular philosophy of physics lectures on Flickr.
The Sigma Club is a historic lecture series in the philosophy and foundations of physics, founded in 1987 by Michael Redhead at Cambridge, and moving to LSE in 1997 where it is now hosted by the CPNSS.
The Sigma Club meets on Monday evenings during regular term-time. Join email list

Klaas Landsman

50 Years of Worrall: Science, Structure and Rock 'n' Roll

Roman and Benedetta: The Last Tango

50 Years of Worrall: Science, Structure and Rock 'n' Roll

Laurenz Hudetz

Roman Frigg and Laurenz Hudetz

Equal numbers of E cookies and mc^2 cookies

Sebastian De Haro

Dr Elay Shech on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

Dr Elay Shech on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

Dr Elay Shech on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

Dr Elay Shech on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect

Carina Prunkl (Oxford) gives a Sigma Club lecture

Mathematician Frank Oertel gives a Sigma Club lecture

Nicholas Teh gives a Sigma Club lecture

Jeremy Butterfield at Landsmanfest

Klaas Landsman at Landsmanfest
