Pia Andres

Pia was a PhD Candidate in Environmental Economics. Her doctoral research studied the drivers of clean technological change, aiming to help inform how industrial policy can best drive the transition to a low carbon economy. She is particularly interested in how the often multiple aims of green industrial policy (such as mitigating climate change, creating jobs and stimulating local growth, ensuring international competitiveness in a greener world economy, etc.) interact and potentially conflict, and how existing economic capabilities can be leveraged and enhanced as part of a green industrial strategy.
Pia has developed an online interactive tool, the Green Transition Navigator, with Dr Penny Mealy. The Green Transition Navigator maps global competitiveness in the green economy and highlights new green growth opportunities for 231 countries and territories.
Pia holds an undergraduate MA in Economics from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change from the London School of Economics. She has spent a semester at the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs as a Fulbright-Schuman Visiting Student Researcher and two months as a visiting researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo. She has been a research assistant at the Grantham Research Institute, LSE STICERD, and the Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment. She has also worked as a consultant at Vivid Economics and as an intern at the Bank of England, the Office for National Statistics, and the research support team at the University of Glasgow. In April 2022, she joined the University of Oxford as a Researcher at the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Work.
Research interests
- Energy transition
- Innovation & technological change
- Industrial policy
- Trade & trade policy
- Technology diffusion
Research - 2023
The transition away from a fossil-fuel powered economy towards a cleaner production system will create winners and losers in the... Read more

This paper explores how rethinking the global environmental trade agreement could produce long-term benefits, for example by allowing laggard countries to catch up with those more advanced in producing clean energy technologies Read more

Research - 2022
This paper examines the effects of Chinese import competition on European company's solar photovoltaic (PV) technology innovation. it finds that competition from China encouraged European innovation, calling into question the rationale behind the trade war. Read more

This working paper shows that ICT and AI have the potential to accelerate clean energy innovation, which is critical for reducing carbon emissions. Read more

Policy - 2024
This paper presents new evidence to inform industrial strategy prioritisation of clean energy technologies in the UK. Read more

Policy - 2023
This report examines the potential contribution of tidal stream energy to sustainable growth in the UK to assess whether this constitutes a strategic priority. Read more

Policy - 2021
CCUS is necessary for the UK to reach its net-zero goals. This report assesses economic and potential employment opportunities and implications for the skills needed, as well as transferable strengths and capabilities from other sectors and barriers and enablers for CCUS growth in the UK. Read more

This report uses a new data-driven online tool, the Green Transition Navigator, to analyse the green competitiveness of the seven individual G7 member states and invited countries. Read more

Policy - 2020
This paper sets out six key areas, where government investment could create jobs and advance the fight against climate change in the UK. Read more

News - 2024
Esin Serin and Pia Andres set out evidence on the UK’s sectoral and technological strengths to assist policymakers as they consider how to allocate support across the economy in a way that maximises green growth opportunities. Read more