Katharine Rietig

Katharine’s research interests evolve around the governance of climate change. At the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), her PhD is on learning in policy-making. She examines to what extent learning occurs in the policy process of integrating climate change objectives into other sectoral policies such as energy, transport, agriculture and economic development. Her analysis takes a multilevel perspective with a focus on the European level, but also involves the domestic level and multilateral negotiations such as those within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Katharine receives a PhD scholarship as Murmann Fellow funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. At LSE, she is supervised by Dr Richard Perkins and Dr Michael Mason (review supervisor).


Katharine holds an MA degree in Political Science, Economics and International Law, with a concentration in International Relations and Environmental Economics from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich (LMU Munich). She also holds a Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Regulation (Distinction) and the full Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Katharine also studied International Business and Trade at American University in Washington DC, USA, and Zhejiang University in China.

Katharine is Graduate Teaching Assistant in LSE’s Geography and Environment Department in Environmental Governance and contributes as Research Assistant to the GLOBE climate change legislation study at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. She is also Research Fellow at the Earth System Governance Network.

Previously, Katharine worked as Research Assistant at the Grantham Research Institute with Michael Jacobs on climate diplomacy and green growth with a focus on India and the European Union. At the LSE Government Department she was contributor and Project Administrator to the research project Sustainable RIO on sustainable development in the EU, a three year joint initiative between LSE, Sciences Po Paris and Free University Berlin. Sustainable RIO was funded by the European Community under the 7th Framework Programme. Katharine was also Research Assistant at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in the European Union Research Group and Teaching Fellow in the Political Science Department (Chair of International Politics) at LMU Munich.

Her non-academic work experience includes the Directorate General for Climate Action at the European Commission, the World Bank’s Development Gateway Foundation in Washington DC, the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, BMW and the Green Party in the Bavarian Parliament. She was President of an educational non-governmental organisation (NGO).

Research interests

  • Learning in policy making;
  • Multilevel governance;
  • Climate policy integration;
  • Global environmental governance;
  • Nongovernmental actors;
  • International organisations.

Further information


Research - 2014

Research - 2012

Research - 2011


Policy - 2014


News - 2012

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