Estelle Rouhaud

Estelle worked at the Grantham Research Institute from 2014 until 2020. She was the project manager of the Future Climate for Africa UMFULA research consortium. She also coordinated the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies project and managed the institute’s grant applications for over 4 years.
Prior to joining the Institute, Estelle was Coordinator of the Energy, Environment and Resources Research Department at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, coordinating all aspects of the department’s research activities in energy security, environment and resource governance. She previously worked for the non-governmental organisation Action for a Global Climate Community as a Programme Officer and Research Assistant, supporting the organisation’s work in promoting a high-level India-EU dialogue on climate change and energy security. Estelle holds a Master in European Policies from Rennes University and Science Po Rennes, France. She has extensive experience in managing research and policy projects, advising on and evaluating funding proposals, organising conferences and other types of stakeholder events, and providing research and policy support.
Research - 2021
This study examined ways in which climate information was mobilized for use under Future Climate for Africa (FCFA), an applied research program to improve the use of climate information to support medium-term (5–40 years) policies and planning in sub-Saharan Africa. Read more

Research - 2020
Making climate-resilient planning and adaptation decisions is, in part, contingent on the use of climate information. Growing attention has been... Read more

Globally, semi-arid lands (SALs) are home to approximately one billion people, including some of the poorest and least food secure.... Read more

Policy - 2018
This is the French translation of the PRISE [PRESA] policy brief 'Supporting private adaptation to climate change in semi-arid lands in developing countries', published in June 2018. Read more

National governments, with development partners, have an important role to play in supporting adaptation and climate-resilient development among private actors – households, producers and small businesses – in the semi-arid lands of developing countries, argues this brief, a final output from the Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE) project. Read more

This briefing note submits learning to the Talanoa Dialogue process from PRISE on supporting private adaptation to climate change by households and businesses in semi-arid lands. Read more

News - 2020
This article argues that a radical shift is needed in semi-arid policy landscapes, that refocuses on leveraging existing climate change adaptive capacities of private actors – women, farmers, businesses and cooperatives – to cope with and respond to prevailing environmental shocks and weather extremes. Read more

News - 2019
UMFULA involves over 50 people spread across 13 organisations based in five countries and two continents. In the history of collaborative research, there have been many research consortia of this size and geographical spread - but what makes UMFULA special is its interdisciplinary nature says Estelle Rouhaud. Read more

News - 2018
Policymakers must pursue both climate adaptation and development if they are to support the poorest in semi-arid regions say Florence Crick, Kate Gannon an Estelle Rouhaud. Read more

Future Climate for Africa, 12 February Read more

News - 2017
Will the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, be indifferent or ambitious when it comes to action on climate change asks Estelle Rouhaud in this commentary article. Read more

News - 2015
The Institute is to lead one of the five research consortia that form the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) Programme, funded by the UK’s Department for International Development and the Natural Environment Research Council. Read more