Explainers: International action on climate change
How international cooperation, agreements and forums are helping to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.
These Explainers have been produced jointly by us – the Grantham Research Institute at LSE – and the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London. The Explainers are hosted on both websites.
- How does trade contribute to climate change and how can it advance climate action?
- How do climate policy and carbon border adjustments affect international trade?
- What are ‘critical minerals’ and what is their significance for climate change action?
- What is blue finance?
- What is the blue economy?
- What is the Stern Review?
- What is climate change ‘Loss and Damage’?
- What are the UN ‘COP’ climate change conferences?
- Why is net zero so important in the fight against climate change?
- What is the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)?