The Global Development Post-Durban Of Policy Regimes To Combat Climate Change
Hosted by the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) and Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE)
The outlook for international climate-change mitigation policies post-Durban
- Professor Nicholas Stern
‘The global development of policy regimes to combat climate change’
- Professor Michael Grubb (Senior Adviser, OFGEM; Senior Research Associate, Cambridge University)
‘Plus ça Change – all over again? What’s changed, what hasn’t, and what can and needs to OR ‘Top down from the bottom up’?’
Aspects of policy design
- Professor Scott Barrett (Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University)
‘Negotiating to avoid ‘dangerous’ climate change’
- Professor Sayantan Ghosal (CAGE/Warwick University) and Dr Sean Walsh (University of Western Ontario)
‘Unilateral measures and emissions mitigation’
- Dr Sean Walsh (University of Western Ontario)
‘Compliance mechanisms in global climate regimes: Kyoto and post-Kyoto’
Regional perspectives
- Professor Robert N Stavins (Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School)
‘U.S. perspectives on global climate change policy regimes’
- Professor Christian Egenhofer (Associate Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies [CEPS]; Visiting Professor, College of Europe [Bruges & Natolin], SciencesPo [Paris] and LUISS University [Rome]
‘After Copenhagen and the economic crisis: does the EU need to go back to the drawing board?’
- Dr Ruth Kattumuri (Co-Director, Asia Research Centre and India Observatory, LSE)
‘Sustainable growth and climate change: evolution of India’s strategies’
- Dr M. Wang and Dr Y. Zhou (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
‘A Chinese perspective’
Macroeconomics and climate mitigation policies
- Dr Alex Bowen (Principal Research Fellow, GRI/CCCEP/LSE)
‘The scope for ‘green growth’ and a new revolution’