Launch of From the Grand to the Granular: Translating Just Transition Ambitions into Investor Action - video

The report sets out a framework of just transition expectations that investors can use in conducting due diligence and assessments of companies, engaging with portfolio holdings and allocating capital. The framework is based on international standards and emerging practice and we apply it to five companies in the European electric utilities sector to learn lessons for wider adoption. The report closes by highlighting areas for priority action by investors and others as the just transition moves from the margins to the mainstream of the climate agenda.
The report was made possible through financial support from the Candriam Foundation.
At the event a presentation of the report findings will be followed by a panel discussion on just transition investor action and questions from the audience.
Presentation of the report findings
Nick Robins, Professor in Practice for Sustainable Finance, LSE
Sabrina Muller, Policy Analyst for Sustainable Finance, LSE
Panel discussion on just transition investor action
David Czupryna, Head of ESG Development, Candriam
Carine de Boissezon, Chief Sustainability Officer, EDF
Alison Tate, Director of Economic and Social Policy, ITUC