This event is jointly run by the London Climate Change Partnership and the Grantham Research Institute/LSE

This business roundtable event explores London’s physical and transition climate risks and what this means for businesses in London. Exploring current knowledge about risks and opportunities we will revisit the business case for ensuring climate-resilient investment, in buildings and infrastructure. Companies and sectoral organizations will share their experiences and explain what challenges exist. The discussion will help to inform the Business and Industry chapter of the Third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3). Through a series of brief talks and interactive sessions, we aim to:

  • Showcase adaptation efforts by businesses in London
  • Identify what works, where the challenges are
  • Discuss how better to create linkages in particular with sustainable finance, infrastructure investment, business continuity and public planning
  • Generate awareness of and input to the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment
  • Support the LCCP’s efforts on adaptation in London and identify new areas for action

Draft agenda:


Coffee, tea, networking


Introduction from Chair (Swenja Surminski)


LCCP: overview of work with businesses (Kristen Guida)


Adaptation Committee: Third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (Kathryn Brown)


Interactive – CCRA3: what we need to learn from businesses (Swenja Surminski)


Contributions from sector:

  • What businesses are doing and what works well
  • Key challenges that hamper progress


Discussion: how better to create linkages and encourage business resilience


Wrap up, next steps



This business roundtable event will explore London’s physical and transition climate risks and revisit the business case for ensuring climate-resilient investment in buildings and infrastructure. It will also help to inform the Business/Economy section of the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3)

Through a series of brief talks and interactive sessions, we aim to:

  • Showcase adaptation efforts in London: businesses, and businesses within communities
  • Identify what works, where the challenges are
  • Discuss how better to create linkages: sustainable finance, infrastructure, wider resilience context, planning
  • Generate awareness of and input to the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment
  • Increase visibility of LCCP and identify potential new leads/projects

Who should attend?

We welcome representatives from business, business support, resilience, engineering, water and utility companies, infrastructure, property developers, retail, investors, tourism, insurers, and green/sustainable finance.

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