Candidate and Party
Position on Net-zero
  • Gareth Davies

    Sitting MP - Standing again

    Party - Conservative

    Candidate commitment

    Supports NetZero 2050 and committed to UK meeting its targets for 2030 and 2035. *

    What do you think? Let's work together!

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  • Vipul Bechar

    Party - Labour

    Candidate commitment

    Currently no information. Can you help us by getting in touch with this candidate?

    What do you think? Let's work together!

    Please ask your candidate if they fully support the UK’s commitment to reaching net zero by 2050, to the target for 2030 announced at COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, and whether if elected they will work to ensure that the UK does not shy away from these commitments? See ‘What can I do?’ for more information.

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  • John Vincent

    Party - Liberal Democrat

    Candidate commitment

    Fully supports the UK’s commitment to reaching NetZero by 2050 and to meeting the target for 2030 announced at the Glasgow COP in 2021, and if elected will work to ensure that the UK does not shy away from these commitments.

    What do you think? Let's work together!

    Keep the conversation going. Contact your candidate to let them know why this is important to you and the way you vote.

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