Who is backing this project? A statement from our supervisory committee
Joint statement from the cross-party supervisory committee for England and Wales
Climate Change is the biggest material threat that faces the world. Together we can defeat it.
We all have a part to play and already the UK has led the way. The Climate Change Act, passed in 2008, was supported by all the main political parties. It was the first legally binding climate change mitigation target set by any country. In 2019 Parliament passed a new Act which bound Britain to reach NetZero by 2050. In England and Wales, the Conservatives, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, and Plaid Cymru are all committed to reaching NetZero by 2050. We want to make sure that this cross-party consensus holds.
This website was therefore developed to encourage the democratic process. We don’t tell you how to vote – that is your democratic choice. However, we think that voters should know which individual candidates support urgent action and which don’t. We want to see an election which recommits the UK to climate leadership and the urgent action needed to reach Net Zero. That means we need MPs of all major parties who will stand up and be counted when it comes to the battle against climate change.
We are members of these four political parties. As we sit in the House of Lords, we cannot be candidates for election to the House of Commons. So we ensure that this website is fair and unbiased. We want you to have the information that makes democracy work.
Lord Deben (Conservative), Lady Kennedy of the Shaws (Labour), Lord Teverson (Liberal Democrat), and Lord Wigley (Plaid Cymru).