globeThis area focuses on the impact of global production networks and supply chains on the development prospects and environmental consequences in emerging and low-income countries. Particular interest lies in the areas of firm-level competitiveness and increasing inequalities in many societies in the developing world.


Key publications

Sato, M. 2014. Product level embodied carbon flows in bilateral trade Ecological Economics. Forthcoming.

K. Neuhoff; W. Acworth; A. Dechezleprêtre; O. Sartor; M. Sato, S. Droege; S.Schleicher; A. Schopp. 2014. Staying with the Leaders: Europe’s Path to a Successful Low-Carbon Economy
Report explores the transition to a secure, affordable low-carbon economy which requires action on three broad pillars of policy.
– Link to paper

Falkner, R. Globalisation, neopluralism and multinodal politics. December 2010. Journal of Power, v.3, pp.452-458.
– Link to paper

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