Jennifer Helgeson

Jennifer’s PhD research topic is on individuals’ understanding and estimation of climate change-related risks.
Jennifer also holds the following positions:
- Economist in the Office of Applied Economics, Building & Fire Research Lab at the National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA;
- Co-director of the Environment and Economy Group for the Caux Human Security Forum;
- Writer for Climatico, which offers an independent analysis of climate change policy worldwide;
- Scientific committee member for the Integrated Risk Governance Project.
Jennifer previously studied Environmental Economics at the University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute, and Economics at Brandeis University, USA.
Research interests
The use of heuristics in individuals’ development of climate change-related risk perceptions and related actions;
- Long-term discounting;
- Risk/disaster management;
- Ethics within environmental economics;
- Micro-insurance/micro-franchise.
Research - 2013
Abstract When a natural disaster hits, the affected households try to cope with its impacts. A variety of coping strategies,... Read more

Research - 2012
Working Paper 91 Abstract When a natural disaster hits, the affected households try to cope with its impacts. A variety... Read more

Helgeson, J., van der Linden, S., and Chabay, I. (2012). In A. Wals & P. B. Corcoran (Eds). Learning for... Read more

Research - 2011
Research Muth, K.T., and Helgeson, J.F. March 2011. Stochastic environments as measurement tools: a new approach. The Journal of Applied... Read more

Research - 2009
Abstract Arguments about the appropriate discount rate often start by assuming a Utilitarian social welfare function with isoelastic utility, in... Read more