Gianni Ruta

Gianni’s research applies microeconomic theory to the analysis of international finance mechanisms for climate change adaptation. The research is part of the Grantham Reseach institute’s broader adaptation work program.
Gianni is currently on leave from the World Bank’s environment department, where he has worked as an environmental economist for the past ten years. He has worked extensively on green accounting, environmental indicators and climate change in low income countries.
Research interests
- Contract theory;
- Environmental and natural resource economics;
- Climate change adaptation;
- Climate change and trade;
- Green accounting.
Research - 2012
Working Paper 80 Abstract The lack of real progress at the Durban climate change conference in 2011—postponing effective action until... Read more

Research - 2011
Abstract The fact that developing countries do not have carbon emission caps under the Kyoto Protocol has led to the... Read more

Abstract Close to one third of the wealth of low-income countries comes from their “natural capital” which includes forests, protected... Read more

Policy - 2010
Headline issue Climate change is one of the most significant challenges we face. It will impact the UK population, environment... Read more