This presentation examines the Durban summit on climate change from the perspective of a government delegate. A participant in UN climate conferences since 2004, Professor Dimitrov will highlight key developments in Durban and assess the current state of global climate negotiations. Access behind closed doors reveals political dynamics that remain hidden to outside observers. The positions and policy preferences of key countries and coalitions, the argumentation strategies they use to persuade others, and achievements and failures in climate talks to date appear different inside the kitchen of global climate politics.

Speaker: Radoslav Dimitrov, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario, Canada; Radoslav participates in UN negotiations on climate change as government delegate for the European Union and Bulgaria and is a consultant on climate diplomacy to the World Business Council on Sustainable Development and a political strategist for the global land transportation sector

Chair: Robert Falkner


Inside Durban: ! The invisible collapse

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