Please note that the time quoted for this event is local (CEST) time

This on-site satellite event is being held as part of the UN Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona which runs from 10-12 April 2024.

Currently the estimated financial support needed to reach the objectives of SDG14 account to USD 175 billion per year. Despite significant work to promote ocean-related opportunities with the financial community (e.g. EU Blue Invest Report, ICMA Blue Bond Framework), out of all SDGs, projects that contribute to SDG14 ‘Life Below Water’ received the least investment to date. Why do we not see more public and private capital flow towards a ‘sustainable ocean’? To answer this question and work towards solutions, it is important to understand the unique challenges financial flows face in the context of the ocean. This session will discuss key barriers as well as the opportunities to finance a sustainable ocean economy. To facilitate a rich dialogue, this session brings together leading scientists, local community leaders in SIDS and LDCs, government representatives and financial sector participants.

This event will be held as an in-person, on-site satellite event at the Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB). Attendance at this event is only possible for people who have successfully registered to attend the UN Ocean Decade conference.   

For further details on this event please email Lea Reitmeier

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