
James is an interdisciplinary modeler, studying the feedback between environmental and human systems, and focusing on the impacts of climate change and the water-energy-food nexus.  He draws upon analytical and empirical approaches from multiple fields and develops computational and statistical models to understand integrated global challenges.


Prior to joining the Grantham Research Institute, James held postdoctoral positions at the Energy & Resources Group at UC Berkeley and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago.  He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University’s program in Sustainable Development.  He previously taught within MIT’s Experimental Study Group and at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering.  He has also had a career as a software developer, working with over a dozen companies on audio and video processing, social networks, and artificial intelligence.

Research Interests

  • Social-Environmental Modeling
  • Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Water-Energy-Food Nexus


Research - 2024

This survey reveals that experts believe the literature underestimates the social cost of carbon (SCC) due to an undersampling of model structures, incomplete characterization of damages, and high discount rates. To address this imbalance, the authors of this paper train a random forest model on variation in the literature and use it to generate a synthetic SCC distribution that more closely matches expert assessments of appropriate model structure and discounting. Read more

Research - 2022

Research - 2021

Research - 2020

Research - 2019

Research - 2018


Policy - 2022

This report and brief provide improved estimates of the likely economic damages from climate change to the UK, highlighting where the greatest risks and need for adaptation are. These are translated into loss of socioeconomic welfare and reported as an equivalent loss of the UK’s GDP under two different policy scenarios – one in which current policies continue and another in which strong mitigation policies are put in place. Read more

Policy - 2021

Policy - 2019

Economic assessments of the potential future risks of climate change have been omitting or grossly underestimating many of the most serious consequences for lives and livelihoods because these risks are difficult to quantify precisely and lie outside of human experience. This policy insight identifies and draws attention to these 'missing risks' and discusses how populations might fare in light of their potential to adapt in the face of these risks. Read more

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