UMFULA Publications
The following are UMFULA publications that have been published by the Grantham Research Institute. All publications produced by the consortium can be viewed here.
Creating useful and usable weather and climate information – insights from Participatory Scenario Planning in Malawi
September 2019
Designing a process for assessing climate resilience in Tanzania’s Rufiji river basin
August 2019
Brief: Projecting future water availability in Lake Malawi and the Shire River basin
June 2019
Fourth Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit 2019: Virtual presentations
March 2019
Writeshops – key tools for generating outputs in international research projects (Blog)
December 2018
Going local: Evaluating and regionalizing a global hydrological model’s simulation of river flows in a medium-sized East African basin (published in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies)
November 2018
How do staff motivation and workplace environment affect capacity of governments to adapt to climate change in developing countries? (published in: Environmental Science & Policy)
October 2018
Conflicting policies impeding climate change efforts (news article)
September 2018
Policy coherence for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
August 2018
Without policy coherence achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will be difficult
August 2018
Climate information needs in Southern Africa: a review
July 2018
Climate change adaptation and cross-sectoral policy coherence in southern Africa (published in Regional Environmental Change)
April 2018
Co-production: aspiration and reality. Co-production sounds lovely, but have we ever seen it? (Blog)
February 2018
Climate change and the water–energy–food nexus: insights from policy and practice in Tanzania (published in Climate Policy)
December 2017
Future climate projections for Tanzania
November 2017
Future climate projections for Malawi
October 2017
Guide: How to understand and interpret global climate model results
September 2017
Climate change adaptation and cross-sectoral policy coherence in southern Africa
April 2017
Africa’s climate: Helping decision-makers make sense of climate information
November 2016
Climate models: What they show us and how they can be used in planning
December 2016
Climate, dams and data in Tanzania – blog
April 2017