Southern Africa's hydro-economy and water security
Southern Africa’s Hydro-Economy and Water Security (SAHEWS) is a two-year collaborative research program, which aims to realise opportunities for more effective water management in Southern Africa by addressing crucial knowledge gaps and integrating climate information with better understanding of economic linkages in water, food and energy.
The project aims to:
- Improve understanding of the drivers of short to medium term hydro-meteorological variability and its socioeconomic consequences
- Develop approaches for improved water resources management using innovative methods to characterise uncertainty and inform decision-making
- Work with end users to apply these insights in a range of applied case studies.
The research is a collaboration between the Grantham Research Institute, the Climatic Research Unit and Water Security Research Centre (University of East Anglia, UK), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI, USA), The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, South Africa), and Humboldt University, Germany
SAHEWS is funded by the Belmont Forum and the G8 Research Councils’ Initiative on Freshwater Security.