
Submission in response to Decision 2/CMA.5, para. 41

The ‘United Arab Emirates Framework for Global Climate Resilience’ was adopted at COP28 in December 2023 as a framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), containing 11 targets. To measure progress achieved towards these targets, it was agreed to launch a two-year work programme on indicators and as a basis for determining how the work programme will conduct its work, Parties and observers were invited to submit views by the end of March 2024.

This paper represents a submission to that process. It aims to inform the negotiations on the modalities of the work programme and builds on previous submissions by the Grantham Research Institute to the workshop series that developed the GGA framework and to the report on doubling of adaptation finance by the Standing Committee on Finance. It also draws on the author’s own close involvement in the preceding two-year work programme (the Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation) including as co-facilitator, and on his extensive research on adaptation monitoring and evaluation. Ongoing exchange with colleagues and negotiators at various events including most recently at the 2024 Adaptation Forum of the Adaptation Committee in March 2024 also informed the submission.

The submission covers:

  • Lessons from the Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation
  • Key considerations for the modalities of the indicator work programme   
  • Modalities for the involvement of experts    
  • Modalities for process, milestones and outputs      
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