
Climate actions by non-state and subnational actors are an important complement to
the multilateral climate regime and the associated contributions made by national
governments. Although such actions hold much potential, we still know very little
about how they could deliver in practice. This article addresses this knowledge gap,
by showing how 52 climate actions announced at the UN Climate Summit in 2014
have performed thus far. Based on our analysis, we argue that the post-Paris action
agenda for non-state and subnational climate action should (1) find more effective
ways to incentivize private sector actors to engage in transnational climate
governance through actions that seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
promote climate resilience in a tangible manner; (2) identify factors underlying
effectiveness, to take appropriate measures to support underperforming climate
actions; and (3) address the large implementation gap of climate actions in
developing countries.

Sander Chan, Robert Falkner, Matthew Goldberg & Harro van Asselt (2016). In: Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2016.1248343

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