Jonathan Rosser
Jonathan works at the intersection of climate science and economics. As part of the ClimTip Horizon project, he researches the economics impacts on climate tipping points as well as the use and design of climate model ensembles for decision-making.
Prior to joining the Grantham Institute, Jonathan completed a PhD focusing on global climate model representation of the Southern Ocean, based at the University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey. The focus of this research was on the analysis and intercomparison of global climate models in the CMIP6 ensemble under control and forced scenarios. During this time he also worked on uncertainties in climate tipping points at the Existential Risk Alliance, and international climate diplomacy and UK heat supply at the UK Climate Change Committee. He holds an MMath (Masters in Mathematics) and an MA (Masters of Arts in Natural Sciences) from the University of Cambridge.
Research interests
- Uncertainties in climate tipping points
- Economic impacts of climate change
- Climate model ensemble design and usage
- Polar oceanography