Response to draft cover decision from COP27
Responding In Sharm el-Sheikh to the publication by the Egyptian Presidency of COP27 of the draft cover decision from COP27, Bob Ward, Policy and Communications Director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science, said:
“This document, released fewer than two days before the scheduled end of the summit, is some way from being a final agreement between all of the countries. Although it identifies the key issues being negotiated, including increases in the ambition of emissions cuts, finance, adaptation and responses to loss and damage, it shows little evidence of progress. I think it is now certain that this summit will carry on past its scheduled end point into the weekend.
“There is a lot of work for the negotiators to do, including all-night sessions that will test everybody’s endurance. I hope politicians and policymakers around the world will be pushing their negotiating teams to seek an ambitious and collaborative outcome from COP27. We can see the growing impacts of climate change all around us harming lives and livelihoods. We are running out of time and the world cannot afford for this summit to fail.”