Outstanding publication award
A paper by Antony Millner (Research Fellow ) and Simon Dietz (Co-Director) of the Grantham Research Institute, and Geoffrey Heal from Columbia University, has won the EAERE Award for outstanding publication in the journal Environmental and Resource Economics, 2013. The EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) award recognizes exemplary research published in the journal during the past year. The Award is given annually and was today announced at the fifth World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in Istanbul.
An abstract and full version of the winning paper: Scientific ambiguity and climate policy*, is available at link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10640-012-9612-0
In their citation the award committee commented:
“This is a paper which considers the challenge of decision making where uncertainty is of a quality somewhat incompatible with standard expected utility theory. Their consideration of the role of ambiguity aversion provides an important and we expect long-lasting contribution to the literature.“
* Antony Millner, Simon Dietz and Geoffrey Heal (2013) “Scientific Ambiguity and Climate Policy”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 21-46 (published May 2013). DOI 10.1007/s10640-012-9612-0