As the world faces the unprecedented challenge of transitioning to sustainable, inclusive and resilient economies and financial systems that foster prosperity and wellbeing for all citizens, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has established a new Centre for Economic Transition Expertise (CETEx) to support decision-makers.

Launched today (28 March 2024), CETEx will amplify research, develop well targeted policy analysis, convene policymakers, and provide technical support and capacity-building to support the reforms necessary to deliver sustainable, inclusive and resilient economies and financial systems across Europe. The centre is hosted by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE.

CETEx is being launched at a time when policy ambitions to deliver a sustainable transition face significant political opposition and technical obstacles. Public institutions often have limited capacity, and sometimes little political and policy space, to develop ambitious policy reform proposals. This is where CETEx aims to provide support.

CETEx will focus on Europe, including the EU, UK and other states, but as part of international policy discourse will also pay special attention to the role of emerging markets and developing economies. Thematically, the centre will focus on two main policy areas, Monetary and Financial Markets, and Economic and Fiscal Policy, and how they intersect.

David Lunn, Interim Executive Director of CETEx, said: “Climate change is and will remain the defining challenge of our times and policymakers globally are looking for solutions on how best to drive the transition to a net zero economy. CETEx will provide the independent and rigorous advice and research they need to support their work.”

Simon Dikau, Director, Monetary and Financial Markets, CETEx, said: “There is first and foremost the question of how the economic transition will be implemented and navigated in substantially different ways depending on the nature of the economic and political systems in different countries. Secondly, there are technical challenges concerning the integration of the related economic, financial and price stability implications into assessment and policy frameworks. CETEx will make a significant contribution in developing targeted policy blue blueprints to support compelling arguments for a transition.”

Elizabeth Robinson, Director of the Grantham Research Institute, said: “Research into the financial policy implications of environment degradation and the net zero transition is a particular strength of the Grantham Research Institute’s, which will now be amplified through this new centre. We are excited to be hosting this major new venture, which will provide evidence-based support for financial and economic policymakers.”

For more information about CETEx visit

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