Towards a collaborative, risk-based approach to adaptation economics | David Bresch
David Bresch is a Professor for Weather and Climate Risks at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich and MeteoSwiss
He will be presenting his paper ‘Towards a collaborative, risk-based approach to adaptation economics’
Abstract: Using state-of-the-art probabilistic modelling CLIMADA allows to estimate the expected economic damage as a measure of risk today, the incremental increase from economic growth and the further incremental increase due to climate change. The economics of climate adaptation (ECA) methodology as implemented in CLIMADA provides decision makers with a fact base to understand the impact of weather and climate on their economies, including cost/benefit perspectives on specifsic risk reduction measures. The model is well suited to provide an open and independent view on physical risk, in line with e.g. the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCDF), as it provides a globally consistent, high resolution multi-hazard view including but also well beyond hurricane risk on risk for any set of assets. The ECA methodology builds on active stakeholder engagement to identify and appraise a baset of risk management options to strengthen societal resilience based on a shared understanding of weather and climate susceptibility. Such an integrated view along the whole chain of impacts also opens new perspectives to the treatment of uncertainty in decision-making.
Please email to request the Zoom joining details for this workshop by by 5pm on Tuesday, 18thJanuary 2022.