Eyal Frank is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. He will be presenting his paper “Reversing Local Extinctions: The Economic Impacts of Reintroducing Wolves in North America”.


In an attempt to reverse previous local extinction events, several countries have designed programs to reintroduce species — from butterflies to large predators. We evaluate the economic impacts from the reintroduction of wolves, which exert predator pressure on wild species and livestock animals, into the United States. The potential benefits from the deer population control that wolves provide might be offset by the agricultural damages they cause. We use data on livestock losses, farm income, along with vehicle collision data to examine the benefits and costs of reintroducing wolves. Our analysis relies on the quasi-experimental variation from the timing of reintroduction programs that vary by state, and the migration of wolves across borders. Overall, we find little evidence for a meaningful negative effect on livestock agriculture, and find that all-cause collision rates decline following the reintroduction of wolves. Our findings have domestic and international implications for current and planned wolf reintroduction programs, as well as reintroduction programs for other predator species.

Please email gri.events@lse.ac.uk  to request the Zoom joining details for this workshop by by 5pm on Tuesday, 7thDecember 2021.

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