Lindsey Jones
Lindsey Jones’s PhD research explored the merits and limitations of subjective approaches to measuring resilience to climate variability and change.
His background is in international development and environmental geography having spent 7 years working for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) as a Research Fellow on issues relating to adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction (where he remains a Research Associate). Lindsey has previously held research and policy positions at the United Nations Development Programme, World Food Programme and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture And Food Security (CCAFS). He has led a number of research programmes related to the development of methods for measuring adaptation and resilience; examining the uptake of climate information into long-term decision making within NGOs and other development organisations; and providing technical assistance to developing country governments in planning for and evaluating adaptation options.
Lindsey has an MSc in Environmental Policy from the University of Oxford and a BSc in Environmental Geography and International Development from the University of East Anglia.
Research Interests
- Measurement of resilience and adaptation to climate change
- Subjective resilience
- Disaster risk reduction
Research - 2021
In this article the authors outline how resilience measurement approaches can do more to serve the learning, evaluation and accountability... Read more
Research - 2019
Climate services entail providing timely and tailored climate information to end-users in order to facilitate and improve decision-making processes. Climate... Read more
With recent growth in funding and research on “resilience building”, interest in climate services has risen dramatically. Included in this... Read more
Research - 2018
Little has been known to date about how objective and subjective modes of evaluating resilience compare. This paper addresses this gap, introducing a new method of subjective evaluation through household surveys in Uganda. The findings are relevant to evaluation toolkit design. Read more
Research - 2017
This paper presents an agenda for the next generation of climate adaptation research for development. The agenda is based on insights from a dialogue session held at the 2016 Adaptation Futures conference as well as drawing on the collective experience of the authors. Read more
Abstract Subjective approaches to resilience measurement are gaining traction as a complementary approach to the standard frameworks that typically contain... Read more