Davide Contu
Davide’s current research is on measuring attitudes and preferences towards nuclear energy in Italy and the UK after Fukushima, using stated preferences techniques. Besides the applied case studies, Davide focuses on methodological issues in choice modelling.
Davide holds a Laurea Triennale in European Economics and Politics (summa cum laude) and a Laurea Magistralis in Economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Cagliari, Italy. He has also studied at the University of York within the Department of Economics and Related Studies.
He has been working within the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions at the University of Cagliari since early 2011, working on measuring attitudes towards energy sources using choice experiments. He has been a visiting researcher at the Institute of Transport and Logistic studies at the University of Sydney Business School, focusing on the issue of Task Complexity in Choice Experiments.
Research interests
- Stated Preferences Techniques
- Public attitudes towards energy sources