
Sindra’s PhD looks at the implications of microfinance on climate change adaptation within fragile ecosystems. More specifically, it investigates whether loans attached with environmental conditions, compared to those without, effects adaptive behaviour. Concurrently, she looks at whether attitudes and values predispose some to utilise loans in a more environmentally conscious manner then others.


Sindra has an MA in Environmental Psychology, PGDipSci in Environmental Mgmt and a BA (Hons) with a focus on Cognitive Neuropsychology from the University of Auckland.

Before joining the London School of Economics and Political Science, Sindra was working as a projects coordinator for various intersectroal projects in mental and personal health for one of Auckland’s District Health Boards. More recently, she has been working with a Ugandan NGO on developing Climate Change Adaptation proposals, and has been working on developing a social enterprise in the South Pacific through an organisation she has set up with her husband.

Research interests

  • Complex adaptive systems
  • ‘Green’ microfinance
  • Senian capabilities approach
  • Moral norms, environmental attitudes/values/beliefs and resource conservation
  • Cognitive neuropsychology and attitude formation
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