
Contemporary International History and the Global Cold War

International History Research Cluster

The group discusses research on the Cold War as a global history of the conflict that took place between 1945 and 1990. The research agenda is far broader than diplomatic, military, and intelligence histories of the conflict. This agenda spans across cultural landscapes, transnational history of “border-crossings,” ideological currents and propaganda, economic developments, impact of international finances, exploration of political persecution, refugees, gender-related issues, decolonisation, and more.

The members of the Cluster include several board members of Cold War History, an influential quarterly that publishes scholarship in the field. They also engaged with the research seminars HY509 and HY510.
The main objectives of the cluster are to share information among faculty members and across the School, improve supervision of doctoral students, spot innovative works-in-progress, and arrange discussions with their authors.

SpokespersonProfessor Vladislav Zubok

Keywords: Cold War, United States, Soviet Union, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, communism, culture, decolonisation, diplomacy, gender, human rights, identity, intelligence, integration, modernisation, natural resources, nuclear weapons, race, solidarity, war.

Faculty Members


Dr Roham Alvandi
Associate Professor

Research interests:
Iran; Modern Middle East; Cold War


Professor Nigel Ashton
Professor of International History

Research interests:
Anglo-American Relations; Modern Middle-East


Dr Tanya Harmer
Associate Professor

Research Interests:
Latin America; Cold War


Dr Elizabeth Ingleson
Assistant Professor

Research interests:
United States History; Chinese History; Trade; Labour; Diplomacy; Multinational Corporations



Professor Matthew Jones
Professor of International History

Research interests:
British Foreign and Defence Policy since the Second World War; Nuclear History during the Cold War; Vietnam War; British Decolonisation and South East Asia; US Foreign Relations since 1941; Anglo-American Relations

Professor Piers Ludlow

Professor N. Piers Ludlow
Professor of International History

Research interests:
Western Europe since 1945; European Integration; Cold War Transatlantic Relations; Britain in the EC/EU


Dr Victoria Phillips
Visiting Fellow

Research interests:
Cold War; Cultural Diplomacy; International Relations; Gender and Biography


Dr Artemis Photiadou

Assistant Professor

Research interests:
Britain and Europe; European Political Regimes; Intelligence History


Dr Svetozar Rajak
Associate Professor

Research interests:
Cold War; Eastern Europe; Balkans


Professor Aino Rosa Kristina Spohr
Professor of International History

Research interests:
Germany Post-1945; Summit Diplomacy; Global Cold War Exits; World Order & Strategy; Arctic Affairs


Dr Qingfei Yin
Assistant Professor

Research interests:
Cold War; China; Vietnam; China-Southeast Asia Relations; Borderlands


Professor Vladislav Zubok
Professor of International History

Research interests:
Cold War; 20th-Century Russia

PhD Students







Selected publications

Research grants

Dr Una Bergmane received the Emerging Scholar Grant from the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (USA) in 2018.

Dr Victoria Phillips received the Harriman Institute Publication Grant in 2017 and a Rockefeller Archive Center Research Grant through the City of New York Graduate Center in 2022.

Dr Kristina Spohr is researching and writing on the global exit from the Cold War 1989 – 1992 with the financial support of the Leverhulme Trust. She is the 2018-19 Inaugural Helmut Schmidt Professor at Johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington DC.