New Piece in the LSE British Politics and Policy Blog
In the LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, Emeritus Professor Sir Paul Preston points to similarities between Putin’s war in Ukraine and the Spanish Civil War, including those concerning the involvement of international volunteers and Western non-intervention. He writes that direct comparisons are nevertheless complicated. Read the piece.
Instituo Cervantes – Luis García Montero
On 4 March 2020, Professor Preston announced that he will deposit in the Caja de las Letras of the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid, as a legacy, a copy of his first book, based on his thesis, The Destruction of Democracy in Spain (1978), noted by Sir Raymond Carr. Watch the event.
New book
Un Pueblo Traicionado was released in Spanish by Casa del Libro on 24 October. The book analyses the history of Spain from 1876 to present time, with the underlying theme of the mismatch between a population eager to progress and elites that do not cease to block their attempts. A People Betrayed provides a chronicle of the devastating disloyalty to the Spaniards by their political class, impassive of the country's social reality. Read more.
Historical advisor in French documentary
Professor Preston appeared extensively in a French documentary, called “Les Derniers Jours de Franco” [“The Last Days of Franco”], which aired on 21 October at 22:30 on France 5. The documentary tells the story of how Franco divided, and continues to divide, Spain well past his death on 20 November 1975, after over 40 years of dictatorship. The ghost of Franco continues to haunt Spain, with the recent Catalan crisis awakening old antagonisms, and Barcelona accusing Madrid of Francoist sympathies. Carles Puigdemont, former president of Catalonia (2016-17), provides a testimony in the film. The film also includes other testimonies of those who rubbed shoulders with the Caudillo and those who fought against him. Ultimately, this documentary attempts to break the Spanish divide over Franco.

Professor Paul Preston awarded knighthood in Queen's Birthday Honours
Professor Paul Preston was awarded a knighthood in the 2018 Queen's Birthday Honours Diplomatic Service and Overseas List in recognition of his work furthering UK-Spanish relations. The Queen’s Birthday Honours List recognises the achievements of a wide range of extraordinary people across the United Kingdom.
Professor Paul Preston in the Spanish media on occasion of the Spanish Civil War Anniversary
To mark the 80th anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War on 18 July 1936, several Spanish newspapers referred to the published works of Professor Paul Preston, the leading authority on Franco and the Spanish Civil War, to shed light on the historical events and on the importance of not forgetting the war. Among other media outlets, Professor Preston appeared in:
“España tiene un déficit educativo sobre la Guerra Civil”, Contexto Y Acción, Público (16/07/2016)
“Los interrogantes de la Guerra Civil”, La Vanguardia (17/07/2016).
"La guerra lejos de la trinchera”, El Periódico (17/07/2016)
"La tercera España de la guerra civil”, El Periódico (17/07/2016)
“Baja la fiebre editorial por la Guerra Civil”, La Rioja (17/07/2016)
“Cómo las herencias de la Guerra Civil y del franquismo marcan la España actual”, La Tercera (17/07/2016).
“Los mecenas que le pagaron el golpe y la guerra a Franco”, El Diario (17/07/2016)
“Objetivo: acabar con la anti-España”, Público (18/07/2016)
“¿Quiénes son y dónde están los franquistas de hoy en España?”, BBC Mundo (18/07/2016)

LSE Research Impact video
Professor Preston is internationally recognised as the leading authority on Franco and the Spanish Civil War. In an LSE Research Impact video, titled “Seeking Justice for Forgotten Victims of the Spanish Civil War”, Paul Preston talks about his lifelong research into the causes, course and legacy of the Spanish Civil War. He also talks about one of his many books, The Spanish Holocaust, which challenged the pacto de silencio by which the Spanish elite had avoided dealing with Franco's legacy. The book generated international attention as well as hundreds of articles and reviews. Professor Preston’s work broke lifelong taboos and El Pais stated that he had finally helped Spain to come to terms with the consequences of political brainwashing. The Spanish Holocaust united local historians who had been researching repression since the 1980s and helped them to contextualise violent episodes and reveal a previously hidden reality. Preston also collaborated with non-governmental organisations to seek compensation for the victims of Franco's repression. Watch Professor Paul Preston's LSE Research Impact video here.

On the outcome of the British EU referendum
Professor Paul Preston was asked by the Spanish media to comment on the "Leave" victory in the Brexit Referendum of 23 June. He shared his views with the Spanish newspapers El Pais (25 June) and Tiempo (1 July).

On Brexit and Spain's historical consistencies
Professor Paul Preston shared his thoughts on the EU Referendum with the Catalan TV Stations 8 TV (13 June) and Televisió 3 (13 June). He also gave an interview for the Catalan newspaper La Vanguardia (18 June) on the same subject and on Spain's political and social historical shortcomings.

Fifth honorary doctorate by the University of Barcelona
On 14 June 2016, Professor Paul Preston, Príncipe de Asturias Professor of Contemporary Spanish History Emeritus, was awarded his fifth honorary doctorate by the University of Barcelona. Professor Preston was recognised for his critical spirit and defence of freedom. Read more about the event from the University of Barcelona website (in Spanish). The event was fully covered by several Spanish national and regional newspapers, including, El Mundo, El Pais, El Nacional, ABC, La Vanguardia, Diario Vasco. In 2015, in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements, Professor Paul Preston received four Honorary Doctorates from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, 15 May 2015), the University of Liverpool (21 July 2015), the Universidad de Extremadura in Cáceres (28 September 2015) and from the Universitat de Valencia (26 October 2015).

The Spanish Civil War turned into comic book
Professor Paul Preston’s book, The Spanish Civil War, has been adapted as a graphic or comic version for teenagers by the Spanish artist, José Pablo García. The comic book, comprised of over 200 pages, took only six months to design. Read an article about the graphic designer here (in Spanish) and listen to Professor Preston talking about the book on Cadena Ser (27 June). Purchase Professor Preston's The Spanish Civil War on Amazon. The comic book was largely mentioned in the Spanish media, among others, in El Pais (14 June), El Periodico de Catalunya (14 June), La Vanguardia (14 June), Canarias 7 (15 June) and Málaga Hoy (24 June).

Professor Paul Preston acclaimed in new book by Professor Helen Graham
A forthcoming edited book by Helen Graham, Professor of European Modern History at Royal Holloway, University of London, salutes Professor Paul Preston’s extensive work and expertise on contemporary Spanish history. Professor Graham’s book is called About Interrogating Francoism: History and Dictatorship in Twentieth-Century Spain, and it will be published in September 2016. The book brings together leading historians of international renown to examine 20th-century Spain in light of Franco's dictatorship and its legacy. “In part a tribute to Paul Preston, the foremost historian of contemporary Spain today, Interrogating Francoism includes an interview with Professor Preston and a comprehensive bibliography of his work, as well as extensive further readings in English. It is a crucial volume for all students of 20th-century Spain.” Pre-order the book here.

The Guardian
Professor Paul Preston wrote a riveting analysis of Hemingway’s 1937 play, “The Fifth Column”, for The Guardian on 18 March. Hemingway’s forgotten Spanish civil war play is to be produced for the second time ever from 24 March to 16 April, at the Southwark Playhouse, London. "The Fifth Column, now revived for the first time in 70 years, is fascinating for what it reveals about the author", claims Professor Preston. Read Professor Preston's full analysis.

New Book reviewed by The Herald Scotland, The Times and The Spectator
Professor Paul Preston's newest book came out in February 2016. Told for the first time in English, The Last Days of the Spanish Republic (Harper Collins, 2016), recounts the story of a preventable tragedy that cost many thousands of lives and ruined tens of thousands more at the end of the Spanish Civil War. This is the story of an avoidable humanitarian tragedy that cost many thousands of lives and ruined tens of thousands more. The book was reviewed by The Spectator (19 March), The Herald Scotland (6 March), by The Times (5 March). Read more about The Last Days of the Spanish Republic in the publisher's website. Buy the book on Amazon.

Professor Paul Preston Awarded the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2015
Professor Paul Preston, Príncipe de Asturias Professor of Contemporary Spanish History Emeritus, was awarded the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2015 in the international impact category on 3 February 2016. The award was presented to Professor Preston on 15 February 2016 at the Barcelona City Council for "his important international profile as a historian of Spain, especially the Second Republic, the Civil War and its aftermath, and the Transition to democracy, periods of great significance for the city of Barcelona - and for the donation of his archive to the monastery of Poblet.” Read more about this prestigious award ceremony here (in Spanish). The award ceremony, as reported by the Spanish newspaper El Pais.
Four honorary doctorates
This year, Professor Paul Preston has received four honorary doctorates. One from the Spanish University of Rovira i Virgili on 15 May 2015.

Another from the University of Liverpool on 21 July 2015. Other doctorands honoured in the ceremony included the Archbishop of Canterbury and the President of Ireland. Read the programme.

His third honorary doctorate was awarded by the University of Extremadura, Spain, on 28 September. Enrique Moradiellos, the doctor’s sponsor and a professor at the University of Extremadura, described Professor Preston as “the finest British Hispanist around today”. The ceremony was presided over by the Rector of the University of Extremadura, Segundo Píriz Durán, and by the President of the Government of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara. Professor Paul Preston's third honorary doctorate was widely reported in the Spanish press, including in the Canal Extremadura TV (video), El Diario.es, EFE , Europa Press, Público.es, La República, La Vanguardia, W Radio.

On 26 October 2015, the Universitat de Valencia awarded Professor Paul Preston his fourth Honorary Doctorate. The honour was widely reported in the Spanish press, including in the newspapers, El Pais, El Mundo and Vanguardia. Professor Paul Preston is due to receive a fifth Honorary Doctorate in the coming months from the Universitat de Barcelona.

Grandes hispanistas
Professor Preston was interviewed by the Director of the Cervantes Institute in London, Julio Crespo MacLennan, on 5 May 2015. Watch the interview.
Video interview
Professor Paul Preston’s groundbreaking and high-profile work on Spain, the legacy of Francoism and the atrocities committed during the twentieth century was submitted as one of the department’s Impact Case Studies in the recent UK Research Excellence Framework process. A short film is available in which Professor Preston discusses his research and how it influenced the debate in contemporary Spain on these important issues.

The Last Stalinist reviewed by The Spectator and The Economist
The Spectator published a review of Professor Paul Preston's latest book, The Last Stalinist: The Life of Santiago Carrillo, on 23 August 2014. The book reviewer, JP O'Malley, concludes his essay by saying that "The Last Stalinist is yet another reminder that Paul Preston remains the most reliable historian in the English-speaking world for anyone wishing to understand the complicated power struggles between left and right in Spanish politics over the course of the 20th century." Read the full review by The Spectator. The Economist's review was published on 13 September 2014. Paul Preston's manuscript was deemed "both sobering and welcome". Read the full review by The Economist.

Paul Preston on Saber y Ganar
On 28 July 2014, Spain's most popular quiz show, 'Saber y ganar', featured Professor Paul Preston in one of their quizzes. The show has a section in which the contestants have to identify a famous person on the basis of a series of clues. As the contestants need more clues, the prize reduces in value. The winner twigged that it was Professor Paul Preston after four clues. Watch the show - Professor Paul Preston's quiz is at minute 34:00.

Featured in Indian publication
Professor Paul Preston was featured on the July edition of the Indian journal Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary Diplomatist. On 'Four Decades of Triumph and Trial', he talks about "the rise of King Juan Carlos de Borbón as a national hero, and a popular legitimacy to which the new King can only aspire".

On King Juan Carlos's abdication
In the context of King Juan Carlos's abdication announcement in favour of his son Felipe, Professor Paul Preston appeared in several international media outlets such as the Portuguese, Diário de Noticias ("Um rei pode perder lugar por incompetência", 19 May 2014) and the Brazilian, O Globo ("'Legado de Juan Carlos I foi garantir a democracia', diz biógrafo", 8 June 2014).

Paul Preston on world media following the death of Adolfo Suarez
On occasion of Adolfo Suarez's death in March 2014, Professor Paul Preston talked about the life of the first elected prime minister after Franco to the British and international media. Here are some of his contributions:
Adolfo Suárez's Obituary by Paul Preston (The Guardian, 23 March 2014)
La Noche de... Suárez with an interview with Paul Preston (RTVE, 23 March 2014)
Adolfo Suárez, The Man Who Came After Franco (The New Yorker, 26 March 2014)
Last Word: Adolfo Suárez with Paul Preston and Dr Gregorio Alonso (BBC Radio 4, 30 March 2014)