
Information for parents and carers

LSE offers students the unique opportunity to study the social sciences at a university with a worldwide academic reputation, while enjoying the cultural and social resources of one of the world's greatest capital cities.  

We hope this information will help you feel confident in supporting your child or ward understand the opportunities available to them at LSE.

Watch our information session for parents and carers Watch our information session for parents and carers
Watch our information session for parents and carers

Studying at LSE

Studying at LSE will be a challenging, stimulating and eye-opening experience. We expect our students to critically engage with their degree and consider the real-world application of the academic topics they are studying.

Our academics: Our students are taught by world-leading academics whose research plays a key role in informing public debates and shaping the world we live in. Over 97% of our academic staff are actively engaged in research, with many acting as expert advisers to political parties, the Civil Service and policy pressure groups. 

Our programmes: We offer over 40 undergraduate degrees, many of which are joint or combined honours programmes such as BSc International Relations and Chinese. As we are keen for students to develop transferable skills and understand the interdisciplinary nature of social science, almost all programmes allow students to select “outside” options during their studies. These could be modules from other academic departments, or language or literature courses offered by our Language Centre.

Our teaching: Teaching is primarily made up of lectures and classes. Most students will have around 9-15 hours of teaching per week, with course reading, assignments and projects students making up a full working week. For some students this will be a significant change to the teaching structure and format they are used to at school or college. Preparing students for independent study and helping them develop these study skills before arriving at the School may help with the transition to university level study. LSE LIFE have also created a series of study skills podcasts. You can find further information on teaching and assessment here.

Student life

Life at LSE is about more than academic study, and we encourage our undergraduates to make the most of the full student experience. 

Should you join a student society or a sports club? | Life at LSE Should you join a student society or a sports club? | Life at LSE
Societies are the heart and soul of student life - hear from our students!

There are over 200 student societies, covering a wide range of academic, career, cultural and activity-based interests. The student newspaper, journal, radio station, tv show and student film group cater for those interested in media. There are over 40 sports clubs and a Sports Performance Programme for individuals or teams competing at a high level. 

In their free time students can get involved in volunteering and charity work, enjoy weekly music concerts, join the LSE choir or orchestra or simply spend time relaxing in the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. 

If your child or ward is worried about the social aspect of studying at the School please encourage them to visit our student activities page and our Students’ Union webpage. They will soon see there is truly something for everyone at LSE!

Our campus

LSE is based on one campus in the centre of London, located between Covent Garden, Fleet Street and Holborn. As all of our buildings are located in one compact space LSE students can enjoy the best of both worlds – the community feel that comes with a campus university, plus the academic, entertainment and graduate benefits of being located in the heart of London. 

Explore our campus in relation to some of the city’s key attractions using our tailored Google map.

We have our own on campus resources, including our library and study spaces, food and drink outlets, sports facilities and the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. As LSE is part of the University of London, our students can enjoy additional facilities at Student Central, the largest Student Centre in Europe. 

Find out more about our campus.


We take the safety of our students very seriously. As with any large city, students do need to take sensible precautions to stay safe on campus and in London. Our campus security team are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Parents and guardians may find the following safety advice helpful.

Support at LSE

LSE provides a range of academic, personal and pastoral support systems. 


Every student is allocated an academic mentor who is responsible for maintaining an overview of their academic progress and general wellbeing throughout their time at School. 

Students can also seek guidance from their academic departments, class teachers, seminar leaders and academic support librarians. 

LSE LIFE is our centre for academic, professional and personal development, and offers support in a variety of ways. These include one-to-one advice sessions, study skills workshops and peer-to-peer mentoring. 

Our Language Centre offers modern language courses, a proofreading and translation service and English language support. 

Personal and pastoral  

Personal and pastoral support can be provided by lots of teams at the School, including:

Student Services Centre: This is the first point of contact for most general queries, including admissions, financial support, immigration and visas and exams.

Disability and Wellbeing service: The Disability and Wellbeing team offer support to students with disabilities and long-term medical conditions.

Student Wellbeing and Counselling service 

Peer Support Scheme: The Peer Support Scheme offers students the chance to talk to other students about anything they are worried about. 

LSE Students’ Union Advice Service

Careers Service: The Careers Service offer support in finding part time jobs, internships, volunteering opportunities and graduate roles. They offer career advice appointments, run events and help students explore their different career options.

Residential Services: Every hall of residence has its own team of wardens and a hall committee, who are there to provide practical and pastoral support. They also have a private housing service who can help students find private accommodation.  

Faith Centre 

Medical care 

Parents or carers of international students may find our guidance for students moving to the UK and overcoming culture shock helpful. 

Find out more about how we support students at LSE.


Our Careers Service provides a great deal of support, from helping students begin their career research when they first arrive at the School, to providing guidance to alumni up to five years after graduation.

LSE Careers offer a range of events, information and advice to help the personal and professional development of each individual student at the School. Career seminars, sector specific events and employer presentations are designed to help students investigate their career options and start building their career. They also run overseas events in in Brussels, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, reflecting the global opportunities for our students. 

Employers value an LSE education because of the intellectual rigour, real-world application and global outlook of our programmes. A degree from LSE is widely recognised internationally and our students go on to work all over the world. 

Visit our Graduate destinations database to find out more about what LSE graduates do.

Our International Student Visa Advice Team (ISVAT) can provide information for international students who wish to work in the UK post-graduation. More information can be found in their information sheets and FAQs for international students.

You may also find the advice from the LSE Careers helpful. 


All new undergraduate students who make LSE their firm choice and apply by the deadline are guaranteed accommodation in their first year of study.  

Our halls are centrally located, with the majority within walking distance of the campus. Take a look at our map.

Students can select their hall of residence based on a range of criteria, including location, meal provision, room type, facilities, budget and contract length. Most residences will include social or communal areas, such as computer rooms, fitness centres, bars, cafes or common rooms. Compare our accommodation options using the accommodation search tool.

Costs start from around £100 a week for a shared self-catered room but will vary depending on location, room type and facilities.

Accommodation is also available for students with disabilities or other support needs.

Each residence has a warden team who provide support 24/7 and work to ensure the personal and social wellbeing of students. 

After first year, most students will move into private accommodation. LSE has its own private housing service to support students with this process. The University of London Housing Services can also help. 
For more information, price lists and 360 degree virtual accommodation tours, please visit our accommodation pages.


How to apply 

All undergraduate applications must be submitted via UCAS by 14 January 2026 for entry in September 2026 or deferred entry in September 2027. 

The UCAS form allows students to apply for up to five programmes. We generally recommend that students apply for no more than two programmes at LSE.

It's not necessary for applicants to have sat their final exams by the UCAS deadline. The majority of offers we make at LSE are conditional, based on predicted grades supplied by the applicant’s school or college. 

Entry requirements 

Our standard offers are expressed in terms of A-levels or the IB, however these are not the only qualifications accepted for entry. Use the following links for more information:

Depending on the qualification the applicant is applying with, they may also be asked to sit our Undergraduate Admissions Assessment to enable the assessors to find out more about their academic profile. 

The selection process 

LSE is a highly competitive institution, receiving an average of 13 applications per place. This means that it is important that students refer to our entry requirements carefully, to ensure they are making realistic choices. We will assess a candidate’s suitability based on their academic performance (existing grades and predicted grades), the content of their teacher’s reference and associated contextual information and the personal statement. 

Our LLB Laws programme requires all applicants to take the LNAT test and some of our mathematics-related programmes either require or recommend that applicants take the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA). Assessors will take performance in these tests into consideration as part of the selection process. 

LSE does not interview for any of our degree programmes

For the majority of candidates, the only chance they have to demonstrate their enthusiasm for and knowledge of their chosen discipline is the personal statement.

Please note, if your child or ward is applying to study for 2026 entry, you can find updated guidance for the new UCAS personal statement here.

We are looking for evidence of independent engagement with the subject, so encouraging your child or ward to think about what activities they could participate in to take their academic interest beyond the classroom would be useful. We are looking for evidence of critical engagement with the subject, not just a long list of book titles, activities or experiences. Rather than listing podcasts or lectures the student has listened to, we are keen to know what they thought about the topic being discussed. We have provided a list of desirable skills, characteristics and attributes on each of our programme pages. Thinking of ways to demonstrate these skills is a good starting point.

For more information please visit our Virtual Undergraduate Open Day Applying to LSE page and our Study pages for prospective students.

Additional resources  

Fees and funding

LSE awards generous financial support to its undergraduate students every year. Students may also be able to access scholarships and financial support from governments and agencies around the world.

We recommend that students allow around approximately £1,300 to £1,400 per month for all living expenses, including accommodation, travel, food, laundry, study costs, and other personal expenses.  More details on living costs and making a budget see our London on a budget page.

Tuition fees 

Our fees for UK and Overseas (including EU) students can be viewed on our Fees page and our programme pages.

Please visit our Fees and Funding page for more information.

Tuition fee loan 

UK students can apply for a tuition fee loan to cover the full cost of the fee for the duration of their undergraduate programme. The money is paid directly to the university through the Student Loans Company. The loan is repaid once the student has graduated and is earning over the repayment threshold.

Full details of eligibility criteria for funding

Find out about interest rates and repaying loans.

Fee status classification 

On receipt of the UCAS form the School carries out an assessment of the applicant’s fee status. Further information on fee status classification.

Maintenance loan 

Student finance explained - a video by Student Finance England Student finance explained - a video by Student Finance England
Student finance explained - a video by Student Finance England
Student Finance England - when to apply 2024-5 Student Finance England - when to apply 2024-5
Student Finance England - when to apply 2024-5

UK students can apply for a Maintenance Loan from the UK government to assist with their living costs. This is repaid once the student has graduated and is earning over the repayment threshold.

The Maintenance Loan value will be determined by household income, UK government funding arrangements where the student normally lives (arrangements will be different in England and Wales for instance) and whether the student will be living at home or not. 

The maximum Student Finance England Maintenance loan for students studying in London and living at home is £8,610 (2024 entry). The maximum loan amount for students studying in London and living away from home is £13,348 (2024 entry). 

Students should apply for both loans (maintenance and tuition fee) in the spring before starting university. 

Please check the government website for more information about eligibility, applying for loans and repayment. You can also find useful videos from Student Finance England on their YouTube channel.

LSE Financial Support 

LSE Bursary: Undergraduate students from the UK may be eligible for an LSE Bursary depending on household income. Awards are between £500 - £4250 a year. This bursary is renewable for each year of study and does not have to be repaid. 

LSE Accommodation Bursary: First year UK undergraduate students applying to live in a qualifying LSE hall of residence may be eligible for an Accommodation Bursary. In 2024/25, bursaries ranged from £500 to £2,500. The Accommodation Bursary does not have to be repaid.

LSE Discretionary Bursaries: Undergraduate students from the UK who face exceptional financial need may be considered for a Discretionary Bursary. Exceptional circumstances may be classified as caring responsibilities, financial need related to disability or an unavoidable requirement to live at home.

Care Experienced and Estranged Student Bursary: LSE recognises that care experienced and estranged students may face challenges in accessing and studying in higher education. The Care Experienced and Estranged Student Bursary is available to provide additional financial support to eligible students.   

Undergraduate Support Scheme (USS):  The Undergraduate Support Scheme is designed to help overseas students who do not have the necessary funds to meet all their costs of study. The amount of assistance will vary according to individual financial need but awards are usually between £6,000 and £15,000. Awards are renewable for each year of study. The award does not have to be repaid.    

Scholarships: LSE awards a number of scholarships, funded by private or corporate donation, to our students every year. The number, value, eligibility criteria and type of awards vary annually. All scholarships are primarily awarded based on financial need. See more information on scholarships for UK students and Overseas students.

  • One of our scholarships on offer are our Uggla Family Scholars Programme. There are typically 7 scholarships available for new UK undergraduate students and 3 scholarships for new overseas undergraduate students every year, worth over £22,000 per year. Scholarships will cover partial tuition fee payments and full maintenance costs, as well as comprehensive support, coaching and mentoring throughout the duration of your studies.
Introduction to the Uggla Family Scholars Programme Introduction to the Uggla Family Scholars Programme
Introduction to the Uggla Family Scholars Programme

You can find more information about fees and funding on our webpages.