We are happy to invite you to this year’s PPE Showcase Event, where final-year PPE students will be presenting the work they have produced for their interdisciplinary PPE courses. The event will take place on Friday 3 May 2024, from 3.00pm- 6.00pm in and around the Sheikh Zayed Theatre.

All LSE staff and students, their friends and family, and PPE Capstone Project Clients are invited to attend. This event is not ticketed, but we do ask that you register your interest so that we can keep track of numbers.

We look forward to seeing you there!



Friday, 3 May 2024

15:00–15:10 Welcome and opening remarks by Prof. Alex Voorhoeve, Head of Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method Sheikh Zayed Theatre
15:10–15:40 Presentations from BSc Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method

  • Dan Guo-Mayo: ‘Can cluelessness objections favour longtermism as opposed to undermining it?’
  • Liza Kozharinova: ‘From Popper to Lakatos via theories stating existence.’
Sheikh Zayed Theatre
15:40–16:10 Presentations from BSc Philosophy and Economics

  • Saral Patel: ‘How should preferences and utilities be interpreted?’
  • Kiera Mason: ‘Blinded by love: an investigation into the justifying reasons for love.’
Sheikh Zayed Theatre
16:10–16:40 Presentations of 4th Year PPE Capstone Projects

  • Umberto Belluzzo, Calin Ilies, Yuxuan Li, and Maria Maldonado: ‘Political Dynamics and B8 Warehouse Development: Improving Local Planning in England for New Warehouses. ‘ Project for Amazon
  • Malika Abdulhamidova, Matthew Chiu, Dylan Jassal, Rachel Hu: ‘Education on the Ground: What Are the Major Correlates of Awareness of and Attitudes Towards Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa?’ Project for the World Bank, supervised by Dr. Ryan Jablonski
Sheikh Zayed Theatre
16:40–17:10 Presentations of 4th Year team research for PPE Applications

  • Philippe Demptos, Xin Zuo and Yuxuan Li: ‘Discounting the future: the case of climate change’
  • Nina Butruk, Nigham Jahangiri, Saskia Soden: ‘A Market for Organs?’
Sheikh Zayed Theatre
17:10–18.00 Reception and Poster Presentations of Philosophy Dissertations and PPE Individual Research Projects Lobby outside Sheikh Zayed Theatre


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