Writing & Broadcasting
• ‘Airborne’, British Art UnCanon, October 2022
• ‘Colonial Mentalities’, History Today, 70:9, September 2020, pp. 90-93
• ‘On Black Lives Matter’, Historical Association News, Autumn 2020, pp. 6-7
• ‘John Baptist Dasalu and fighting for freedom’, The Essay, Radio 3
• Contributor, ‘The Zong Massacre’, In Our Time, BBC Radio 4
• Contributor, ‘Ships and History’, Free Thinking, Radio 3
New Position in Emerging Curators Group
Dr Richards has been awarded a position in the Emerging Curators Group 2021/22, organized by the British Art Network. He will undertake academic and curatorial research as part of an ongoing project with the University of Cambridge Museums.
Co-winner of the Prince Consort & Thirlwall Prize and Seeley Medal
Dr Richards received the prize from the Faculty of History at Cambridge University for best doctoral dissertation. His thesis was on how abolition laws shaped the opportunities and limitations for "liberated Africans" in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world. Read more
New article
Dr Richards' latest article was released online by the Comparative Studies in Society and History journal. “The Adjudication of Slave Ship Captures, Coercive Intervention, and Value Exchange in Comparative Atlantic Perspective, ca. 1839-1870” argues that abolition as a legal field emerged from interactions between liberated Africans, British diplomatic and naval agents, and local political elites in Brazil and on the Upper Guinea Coast.
‘On Black Lives Matter’, Historical Association News, Autumn 2020, pp. 6-7
‘Colonial Mentalities’, History Today, 70:9, September 2020, pp. 90-93
Contributor, ‘The Zong Massacre’, In Our Time, BBC Radio 4, 26 November