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In brief
Hungary was not involved in EU Kids Online 2020. Main results on this page draw on the 2010 survey, with more recent publications under “Publications.”
In the last few years the question of children's online safety has increasingly moved to the forefront of policy making and media regulation in Hungary. In addition, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of internet service providers and online content providers has started to focus increasingly on raising awareness about safe use of online technologies. Due to the increased presence of the topic in public discourse, to the growing awareness of parents and educators, and to the tendency that parents tend to become younger in terms of their birth cohorts, the context of online safety has changed for the better. Despite these multi-stakeholder efforts a significant proportion of Hungarian children still lack the necessary support and guidance from their parents and teachers, or they experience restrictive – therefore only partially effective - mediation.
Hungary - EU Kids Online
- The EU Kids Online was the first major international research in Hungary to investigate children's media and internet use with a focus on both risks and opportunities. Since then, several other nationwide researches were carried out with somewhat similar focus
- The Hungarian findings were directly utilised in framing government policies and the CSR activities of the largest telecommunications companies. On the request of the National Media and Telecommunications Authority a separate Hungarian national report was prepared in 2011. This report provided basic statistics and information about trends to policy makers, teachers, media professionals and last, but not least, parents.For years, this has become the primary reference point for research on children and Internet.
- ITHAKA (the former Hungarian partner of the EUKO network) set up partnership with the International Children's Safety Service, a well-known Hungarian non-profit organisation working on various projects for the safer internet use of children and young people. Based on the theoretical foundations of EU Kids Online project several other smaller-scale researches were completed in the cooperation of the two organizations. These were widely cited across the media.
- From 2015, the umbrella organization for the Hungarian EU Kids Online team is the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences.
Bence Ságvári is a sociologist, former managing director of ITHAKA Research and Consulting. Currently, he is a senior research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences. In 2014/15, he was a Visiting Fulbright Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA). From 2011 he is the Hungarian national coordinator for the European Social Survey (ESS), and he was also the principal investigator of the project “Life cycle of an online social network. Big Data analysis”. He has also been represented as the Hungarian partner in several cross-national comparative survey projects, such as EU Kids Online (EUKO) or World Internet Project (WIP). Previously he was member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR). His research interests include values and attitudes, youth, social networks and network analysis, Big Data in social sciences, and various other social aspects of ICT use.
Dorottya Kisfalusi is junior research fellow at Institute for Sociology Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; assistant professor at Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest; and researcher at MTA TK ‘Lendület’ Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS). Her research interests include children’s and adolescents’ peer relationships, interethnic relations, and bullying. She defended her PhD in 2016 on positive and negative interethnic peer relations among Roma minority and non-Roma majority students in Hungary. She participated in several cross-sectional and longitudinal data collections among primary and secondary schools students.
Bence Ságvári
Centre for Social Sciecnes
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.
1097 Hungary
tel: +36 1 224-6700