Chloë Mayoux is a PhD candidate in International History at the LSE. She works under the supervision of Professor Matthew Jones and Professor Piers Ludlow. She holds a BA in European Studies from King's College London and a Certificate in International Affairs and Strategy from Sciences Po Paris. She graduated from St Antony's College, University of Oxford, with a Master's degree in Global and Imperial History. Chloë served as co-Managing Editor for the Cold War History journal between 2022 and 2023. She will spend the final year of her PhD as a Visiting Fellow at Sciences Po’s Centre for History.
Provisional thesis title:
A Place in the World: Negotiating Nuclear Power and Independence in Africa (1958-1963)
This thesis examines the impact of the nuclear age on the politics of African decolonisation, and, conversely, the effect of postcolonial projects on developments in nuclear history. The project combines methods of global and diplomatic history to emphasise criss-crossing between France, Senegal, Britain, Algeria and Nigeria. Overall, this approach gives us a better sense of how, beyond strict East-West or North-South logics, nuclear power fed into the diplomatic tactics of the end of empire, into regional and domestic postcolonial politics, and into the requirements of mid-20th century industrial development.