Please reach out to if you have any questions about the below funding opportunities.
LSE PhD Studentships
LSE PhD Studentships are tenable for four years and cover full fees and an annual stipend, which for 2024 entry was £21,237. They are available for UK and international students undertaking research in any LSE discipline, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance.
These awards will be made solely on the basis of outstanding academic merit and research potential. This relates both to your past academic record and to an assessment of your likely aptitude to complete a PhD in your chosen topic in the time allocated.
Read more HERE
London Arts & Humanities Partnership (LAHP) Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs)
Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) provide funding for doctoral students to work on a project in collaboration with an organisation outside higher education. They are intended to encourage and develop collaboration and partnerships and to provide opportunities for doctoral students to gain first-hand experience of work outside the university environment.
They enhance the employment-related skills and training available to the research student during the course of the award. Collaborative Doctoral Awards are not only a route into academia but also provide hands-on work experience in the cultural sector and transferrable skills.
Read more HERE
Dr Nasrollah Moghtader-Mojdehi PhD Scholarship
The Iranian History Initiative and the Department of International History welcome applications for the Dr Nasrollah Moghtader-Mojdehi PhD Scholarship. This studentship is tenable for four years, commencing in September 2025, and covers full fees and an annual stipend of £21,660 for a PhD student in the Department of International History, whose research is focused on any aspect of the modern history of Iran.
This scholarship was established with the generous support of Mr John Moghtader-Mojdehi and the LSE PhD Academy.
Read more HERE (see full info under "Scholarships and Prizes")
Research Student Travel Bursary
The International History Department offers a reimbursement of up to £450 per academic session to Research students. Research Student Travel Bursary may be used for travel to the archives or for travel to conferences for the purpose of presenting a written paper. The travel bursary can only be claimed per academic year and any unspent money is not allowed to be carried over to the next year. All the expenses have to be submitted by mid-July at the latest.
Students should apply by completing a Research Student Travel Bursary Application Form and submitting it to the Doctoral Programme Director, Prof. Joanna Lewis ( with a budget outlining how the money is to be spent and, in case of conference travel, documentation showing the applicant’s role at the conference.
After receiving approval from DPD, the completed application form and receipts should be emailed to the PhD Programme Administrator for processing. For further information please email Edlira Gjonca (
Language Course Reimbursement
The Department of International History can assist all its PhD students with the cost of language study. The department will reimburse students studying a language related to their research either at the LSE or outside it up to a maximum of £1000 over 4 years. Students have to demonstrate that the language training relates to their research and prove they have successfully enrolled on the course to be reimbursed.
To qualify for consideration for reimbursement, students must inform the PhD Programmes Administrator ( that they have signed up for a language course at the Language Centre and intend to apply for this reimbursement.
For more information on language training at the LSE visit: