Studying LSE

Current research students

 List of students conducting research at the Department of Anthropology

Anthropology PhD Destinations

The majority of our PhD students continue to academic posts, whilst a smaller number have gone on to enjoy careers in other fields.  Of the fifty four PhD students who graduated between 2016 and 2022, forty two have proceeded to either post-doctoral research or teaching fellowships, or to permanent academic appointments.

Most of those with permanent academic appointments are working in departments of Social Anthropology, though our PhD students have, in the past, also gone on to work in departments of Geography and Archaeology. These permanent posts are at Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, Kent, Manchester, SOAS, Goldsmiths, Bristol, Aberystwyth and UCL. Others have appointments at the University of Hong Kong, Bogazici University in Turkey and the Marino Institute of Education in Dublin.

Post doctoral teaching and research fellowships, held at institutions across the world, are the first destination for the great majority of our PhD students.  These include fellowships at the following universities and centres: LSE; Princeton University, USA; Oxford; Ghent University, Belgium; Edinburgh; Kent School of Anthropology and Conservation; Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands; European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan, University of Tübingen, Germany; Manchester; Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzen, China; University of Bern, Switzerland; Centre for Indigenous and Intercultural Research, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; University of Vienna, Austria; The Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Monash University, Melbourne; Cambridge; the Centre for Energy Ethics at St Andrews. Named fellowships include the Evans-Pritchard Fellowship at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies and the Smuts Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge.

Non Academic Careers: Not all PhD students wish to pursue an academic career. Our graduates have gone on to work in publishing, in development (for example, co-ordinating gender programmes for the UN) within business and corporations, as freelance writers and as tutors in mental health trusts. 


Ajibade, Kat (post-field)
Area of interest: Senegal
Interests: Anthropology of Catholicism, African Catholicism, Catholic inculturation and vocation

Albrecht-Lazo, Julian (pre-field)
Area of interest: Venezuela/Amazon
Interests: Sovereignty, violence, frontier dynamics

Åndahl, John Erik (pre-field)
Area of interest: Panama, the Caribbean
Interests: Climate change; indigenous studies; anthropology of development

ap Gwilym, Cai (in the field)
Area of interest: Alberta, Canada
Interests: Anthropology of Taxation, Oil and Gas extraction, Conservative Politics

Balan, Maria (in the field)Area of interest: BoliviaInterests: street children, responsibility, inhalant abuse

Bazambanza, Caroline (post-field)
Area of interest: United Kingdom
Interests: Reproduction; race and racialisation; medicine and public health; (in)justice; the state; uncertainty

del Gallo, Marco (post-field)
Area of interest: Indonesia
Interests: Urban ecology, labour, infrastructure, small-scale fisheries

Dillabough-Lefebvre, Dominique (post-field)
Area of interest: Burma/Myanmar
Interests: Environmental anthropology, political and economic anthropology, agrarian transitions


Figueroa-De-La-Ossa, Giselle (post-field)
Area of interest: UK and Colombia
Interests: gold mining, financial markets, political economy of accumulation and speculation

Gitsham, Honor (she/her) (pre-field)
Area of interest: United Kingdom
Interests: Queer Reproductive Practices; Gender, Sexuality and Kinship; (In)Justice; Sensory Ethnographic Methods; Creative Writing and Poetic Forms

Jaede, Riccardo (post-field)
Area of interest: West Bengal, India
Interests: Anthropology of ethics; urban anthropology

Jiang, Jiarong (in the field)
Area of interest: Tibetan region in China
Interests: interspecies and multispecies (or multi-entities) studies; pastoralism; political ecology and environment; practicing religion and Tibetan Buddhism

Jivraj, Naseem (post-field) 
Area of interest: UK
Interests: Gender, migration, domestic abuse, broken transnational marriages, UK immigration and asylum processes, mental health, ethical self-becoming

Kalandadze, Mariam (pre-field)
Area of interest: Georgia
Interests: Political protests, affect theory, anthropology of place.

Kong, Pengyin (post-field)
Area of interest: China, Tibet
Interests: Infrastructure; labor; ethnic identity 


Lai, Fred (post-field)
Area of interest: China
Interests: Dementia, kinship, politics and ethics of care

Lamare, Gertrude (post-field)
Area of interest; India and Bangladesh
Interests: Colonial infrastructure, ruins, roads and markets

Li, Dan (post-field)
Area of interest: China
Interests: informal economy; technology; market

Li, Yue (in the field)
Area of interest: China
Interests: migrant labour; gender; political and economic anthropology 

Madden, Rhys (post-field)
Area of interest: UK, Guyana, Mauritius
Interests: Ambivalence, uncertainty and doubt; migration histories; flooding; coastal habitat restoration; material culture

Mandal, Apala (pre-field)
Area of interest: Indian Diaspora in the UK 
Interests: Motherhood, Reproduction, Migrant experiences, Faith

McMahon, Tierra (post-field) 
Area of interest: Morocco; Academic Knowledge Production Sites
Interests: Biopolitics; animal sacrifice; kinship; conceptions of nature; religion in practice; exile

McNamara-Peach, Catherine-Ann (post-field)
Area of interest: UK
Interests: Anthropocene subjectivities; hospicing modernity; regenerative cultures; imaginative horizons; decoloniality and spirituality

Milano, Annaliese (post-field)
Area of interest: UK/US
Interests: cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and open source software; value, digital labor and capitalism; digital ethnography

Mohd Nizal, Sarah (in the field)
Area of interest: Sarawak/Malaysian Borneo
Interests: memory and affect, houses, temporal landscapes, material culture

Osborn, Nick (post-field)
Area of interest: Guatemala
Interests: christianity; ethics; memory and migration, anthropology of plantations 

Pradhan, Sagarika (in the field)
Area of interest: India
Interests: Disability; Schooling; Self-Identity and Personhood

Rose, Rahul (post-field)
Area of interest: India, UK
Interests: attention; attention economy; hinduism; history of yoga; COVID-19 response in India

Ruzol, Clarissa (post-field)
Area of interest: Philippines
Interests: pragmatic knowledge; dam and development; Chinese funding


Seagrave, Jacob (in the field)
Area of interest: Andalucía, Spain
Interests: agricultural cooperatives, rural trade unionism, ecology, politics of land

Shehata, Eman (post-field)
Area of interest: France
Interests: professional training; work; affect theory

Sollie, Kaia (in the field)
Area of interest: Europe
Interests: migrant labour; seasonality; Europe and the EU

Stahl, Laura (post-field)
Area of interest: China, Taiwan
Interests: Economic subjectivity, information technology, artificial intelligence, software, entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity

Tiilila, Taru (in the field)
Area of interest: Kenya
Interests: mentalization / Theory of Mind, psychological and cognitive anthropology

Yan, De (in the field)
Area of interest: China
Interests: Political anthropology; Urban bureaucracy; Formalism

Zhou, Yufei (post-field)
Area of interest: Tibetan areas in China
Interests: Ethics; human-animal relations; ethnicity; ontology and cosmology; value; pastoralism; consumerism; dogs

Zhu, Tongyue (post-field)
Area of interest: China
Interests: scarcity and insecurity, presence and absence, good life, refrigerator

Zohar, Daniel (in the field)
Area of interest: Ecuadorian Amazonia
Interests: human-plant relations; animism; ontology; multispecies ethnography