Management Accounting Research Group Conference 2018

The 39th annual Management Accounting Research Group Conference 2018

Thursday 19 April 2018, London School of Economics and Political Science

Theme: Management Accounting: Exploring Novel Pathways  

This was an especially topical issue in the area as all organisations irrespective of size are confronted with novel cost management issues and challenges especially in the light of new technologies such as robotics and Artificial Intelligence impacting enterprises. 


    • Professor Jan Bouwens, Cambridge University, One measure is enough
    • Julia Heberle, New South Wales Health, From volume to value - changing the landscape of healthcare performance measurement
    • Rick Payne & David Lyford-Smith, ICAEW, The AB(C)D of new technologies and accounting
    • Anthony Pember, Grant Thornton, Management innovations and costing advances
    • Panel session: Elaine Harris, University of Roehampton, Gordon Potter, Cornell University & Julia Mundy, University of Greenwich
      Is Management Accounting ready for the future?
    • Steve Morgan, Microsoft, Finance innovations at Microsoft: Machine learning and AI 