The 7th HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

4-5 June 2015

On 4-5 June 2015 the Hellenic Observatory hosted the 7th Biennial PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus. The basic aim of the Symposium is to create a space for dialogue where PhD candidates conducting research on Greece and Cyprus are able to present a part of their thesis.

The presentations were divided in 12 panels that took place over both days. The research students presented their work in front of experienced scholars and academics and had the opportunity to exchange ideas and gain valuable feedback. Moreover, they benefited from a unique workshop on Quantitative Political Analysis, offered by Dr. Spyros Kosmidis (Oxford University) on the second day.

Traditionally, key experts provide their insights in plenary sessions and facilitate the debate in current topics. The first plenary session of the 7th Symposium was given by Professor Nicos Christodoulakis (Professor of Economic Analysis, Athens University of Economics and Business) who presented the relation between the socio-economic conditions in Greece since 2009 and the sudden rise of Golden Dawn. Professor Achilleas Mitsos (Professor of International Economic Relations, University of the Aegean) chaired this session and coordinated the discussion after Professor Christodoulakis’ presentation. The historical far-right voting behaviour was a topic discussed during the Q&A section where the PhD participants had the opportunity to ask their questions.

The second plenary session was given by Professor Manolis Galenianos who shed light on an interesting and burning issue; the external dimension of the Greek economic crisis. Dr. Vassilis Monastiriotis chaired the session and also offered his valuable insights to the topic. The first part of the presentation focused on the origins of the Greek crisis and the second part was devoted to the challenge of trade adjustment in Greece.

The third plenary session which took place on the second day was much appreciated by all PhD candidates. Professor Kevin Featherstone explained all stages of the PhD process and offered a detailed guide for students researching Greece and Cyprus. Having the experience of supervising over 30 PhD candidates, Professor Featherstone advised the students on multiple issues related to their current research and their future publications.

We feel that the PhD Symposium is one of the most important international meetings for PhD students working on contemporary Greece and Cyprus in the social sciences and we hope to continue this tradition in the following years.

We are grateful to the generous financial support of the A.G. Leventis Foundation which has been crucial in the establishment of the HO PhD Symposia.


Thursday, 4 June 2015

9:00 - 9:15



Welcome Address by Prof. Kevin Featherstone (Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics; Director, Hellenic Observatory, LSE)

Plenary Session I: The Emergence of the Far-Right in Greece in the Context of the Socio-Economic Crisis

Speaker: Prof. Nicos Christodoulakis (Professor of Economic Analysis,  Athens University of Economics and Business)

Chair & Comment: Prof. Achilleas Mitsos (Professor of International Economic Relations, University of the Aegean)            

10:45 -11.15


11.15 -12.45 

Panel Meetings - Session            




Plenary Session II: The External Dimension of the Greek Economic Crisis

Speaker: Prof. Manolis Galenianos (Professor of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London)

Chair & Comment: Dr. Vassilis Monastiriotis (Associate Professor in the Political Economy of South Eastern Europe, Hellenic Observatory, LSE)   



16:00- 17:30

Panel Meetings - Session II     


Private Wine Reception        

Friday, 5 June 2015


Plenary Session III: How to Write a PhD (on Greece)

Speaker: Prof. Kevin Featherstone (Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics; Director, Hellenic Observatory, LSE)

11:45 - 12:00

Panel Meetings - Session II     

12:00 - 13:30

Private Wine Reception        

Venue Details 

  • Registration, Welcome Address, Plenary Sessions & Certificates Wolfson Theatre (NAB LG.01), New Academic Building, Lower Ground Floor, 54, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 2AE

  • Panel Meetings Tower 1, 1 Clement's Inn, London WC2A 2AZ, TW1 - 2.01, 2.02. 2.03, 2.04

Plenary Sessions

The plenary sessions took place at the Wolfson Theatre (New Academic Building, LSE) and were open to the public (non-participants). The purpose of these lectures was to allow the exchange of ideas between young researchers and scholars on issues related to Greece and Cyprus. We are extremely grateful to the A.G. Leventis Foundation, for  its generous support.

Plenary Session I: The Emergence of the Far-Right in Greece in the Context of the Socio-Economic Crisis"

                Lecture 1              


Professor Nicos Christodoulakis (Professor of Economic Analysis,  Athens University of Economics and Business)            


 Professor Achilleas Mitsos (Professor of International Economic Relations, University of the Aegean)


Thursday 4 June 2015         


09:15 - 10:45          


Wolfson Theatre (NAB LG.01), New Academic Building, LSE                  

The study (conducted by Nicos Christodoulakis, Costas Roumanias and Spyros Skouras) develops a quantitative framework to examine the steep rise of the ‘Golden Dawn’ party (XA) in Greece after 2009 in relation to the deterioration of socio-economic conditions, the immigration flux and the vast rise in unemployment. Using election results and opinion polls, the voting robustness and geographical homogeneity of XA is analysed and compared with mainstream political parties in Greece. Then a regional database is set up, including demographics, unemployment, and economic distress data at municipality level, which are subsequently used to explain the electoral rise of XA in the polls between 2009 and 2014. To test the nationalist-root theory in explaining the rise of XA, historical far-right voting records are also examined. Though they are found to offer an electoral reservoir, this is only gradually exploited by XA in tandem with the deterioration of socio-economic factors.

Plenary Session II: The External Dimension of the Greek Economic Crisis


Professor Manolis Galenianos (Professor of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London)    


Dr. Vassilis Monastiriotis (Associate Professor in the Political Economy of South Eastern Europe, Hellenic Observatory, LSE)


Thursday 4 June 2015                


14:00 - 15:30                  


Wolfson Theatre (NAB LG.01), New Academic Building, LSE                  

1.The origins of the Greek crisis

The conventional wisdom is that the Greek and Eurozone crises are the result of fiscal profligacy, which has justified austerity as the primary policy to exit the crisis. This interpretation of the crisis fits the case of Greece and, to a lesser extent, Portugal, but cannot explain why Ireland and Spain had to request assistance, given that prior to 2008 they had lower deficits and public debt than most Eurozone countries. The features that set the four peripheral countries apart from the rest of the Eurozone are the large external deficits they all experienced before 2008. This observation suggests that the origins of the Eurozone crisis are to be found in external rather than fiscal imbalances. The implication is that the exclusive policy focus on reducing fiscal deficits is misguided and the four peripheral countries should be helped to reduce external deficits by recovering competitiveness.

 2. The challenge of trade adjustment in Greece (with Costas Arkolakis and Aristos Doxiadis)

Greece’s trade deficit declined by 10% of GDP between 2007 and 2012, removing one of the great economic imbalances of the pre-crisis years. However, this reduction was achieved exclusively through import compression while exports fell over that period, thereby worsening the economic crisis. Greece’s export underperformance is studied in comparison to Ireland, Portugal and Spain as well as Greece’s own pre-crisis experience. The main findings are that (1) given past performance, Greece’s exports should have increased by 25%, rather than drop by 5% between 2007 and 2012; (2) labor markets have adjusted to the new economic environment; (3) product markets did not adjust, hindering the recovery of competitiveness; (4) export underperformance is responsible for a third of the decline in GDP since 2007. The business environment and firm size distribution in Greece are also hindering the necessary adjustment.

Plenary Session III: The Emergence of the Far-Right in Greece in the Context of the Socio-Economic Crisis


Professor Kevin Featherstone (Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics; Director, Hellenic Observatory, LSE)




Friday 5 June 2015


10:30 - 11:45


Wolfson Theatre (NAB LG.01), New Academic Building, LSE

This session will discuss both generic issues of developing, designing, and writing a PhD, as well as the specific challenges of writing a PhD thesis on Greece (or Cyprus).  It will offer guidance to those starting a PhD and to those about to finish writing a PhD thesis.  Topics to be covered will include:

• What is a research ‘puzzle’?

• Developing your research question (and hypotheses).

  • Why? What? How? questions

• The challenges of single country or comparative case studies.

• Framing your questions and evidence.

  • ‘Testing’ hypotheses and refutability.

  • Alternatives: critical theory.

  • Finding and using source material.

• What’s new?  Specifying your contribution.

• Who would disagree?  Positioning yourself in scholarly debates.

• How to get published.

• How to apply for PhD places and scholarships.

Professor Featherstone has the experience of supervising over 30 PhD candidates; being responsible for PhD admissions in the LSE’s European Institute; and having examined numerous PhD theses.

Symposium papers

Thursday, 4 June 2015
SESSION I (11:15 - 12:45)

Panel 1: Economics I (The Greek Labour Market)
Chair: Dr. Vassilis Monastiriotis (LSE)

Read the Papers

Panel 2: Foreign Relations (Historical Ties)
Chair: Dr. Spyros Economides (LSE)

Read the Papers

Panel 3: Greek Politics I
Chair: Dr. Theofanis Exadaktylos (University of Surrey) & Dr. Sotiris Zartaloudis (University of Birmingham)

Read the Papers

Panel 4: Cyprus
Chair: Dr. James Ker-Lindsay (LSE) & Dr. Nikos Skoutaris (UEA / LSE)

Read the Papers

SESSION II (16:00 - 17:30)

Panel 1: Political Culture (Historical Identities in Greece)
Chair: Dr. Konstantina Maragkou (LSE) & Dr. Sofia Vasilopoulou (University of York)

Read the Papers

Panel 2: Economics II (Policy Options and External Constraints)
Chair: Prof. Nicos Christodoulakis (Athens University of Economics and Business)

Read the Papers

Panel 3: Greek Politics II (The Political Impact of Austerity)
Chair: Prof. Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester)

Read the Papers

Panel 4: Foreign Relations II

Chair: Dr. George Kyris (University of Birmingham)

Read the Papers


Friday, 5 June 2015

SESSION I (12:00 - 13:30)   

Panel 1: Contemporary Challenges in Public Policy 
Chair: Dr. Bernard Casey (Warwick University / LSE) & Dr. Athanasia Chalari (University of Worcester / LSE)

Read the Papers

Panel 2: Economics III (Regional Policy)  Chair: Prof. Achilleas Mitsos (University of the Aegean)

Read the Papers

Panel 3: Economics IV (Entrepreneurship and Female Employment in Greece) 
Chair: Prof. Elias Dinenis (University of Nicosia / LSE) & Dr. Rebecca Bryant (LSE)

Read the Papers

Panel 4: Greece & Migration Policy 
Chair: Dr. Rosa Vasilaki (LSE)

Read the Papers