HO PhD Symposia

on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

Since 2003 the Hellenic Observatory has organised biennially a PhD Symposium for post-graduate students in the social sciences working on Greece and Cyprus.The key objective of these Symposia is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between young researchers and to provide them with the experience of presenting their research to an international audience.

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The 11th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus 

29 May 2023

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The 10th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus 

26 May 2023

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The 9th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

15 June 2019


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The 8th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

1 July 2017


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The 7th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

4-5 June 2015


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The 6th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

6-7 June 2013


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The 5th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

2-3 June 2011


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The 4th Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

25-26 June 2009


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The 3rd Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece

14-15 June 2007


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The 2nd Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Modern Greece

10 June 2005


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HO NEW EP LOGO (no circle-transparent)

The 1st Biennial HO PhD Symposium on Modern Greece

21 June 2003


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