Professor Monika Krause

Professor Monika Krause

Professor in Sociology

Department of Sociology

Room No
English, German
Key Expertise
Human Rights, Humanitarianism, Knowledge, Expertise, Social Theory, Culture

About me

Monika Krause studied sociology and political science at the University of Munich, Cambridge, and LSE. Her PhD in Sociology is from New York University. She has been a Junior Fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld and a Core Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. She served as an elected member on the Executive Council of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). She currently serves as the Chair of the Culture Section of the American Sociology Association and on the Council of thethe Section on the Sociology of Human Rights of the ASA. She is the recipient of the 2019 Lewis A. Coser Award for Theoretical Agenda Setting in Sociology. 

Monika Krause, Model Cases Monika Krause, The Good Proejct 

Expertise Details

Human Rights; Humanitarianism; Knowledge; Expertise; Social Theory; Culture

Selected publications


Monika Krause. 2021. Model Cases. On Canonical Research Objects and Sites. Chicago: Chicago University Press 2021.

Monika Krause. 2014. The Good Project. Humanitarian NGOs and the fragmentation of reason. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Winner of the 2015 BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. Winner of the 2015 Association for Research on Non-profits and the Voluntary Sector's Hodgkinson Book Award. Winner of the 2016 Best Book Award by an International Scholar, Global and Transnational Section of the American Sociological Association.

Edited Volumes

Claudio Benzecry, Monika Krause and Isaac Reed (eds.). 2017. Social Theory Now. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Julian Go and Monika Krause (eds.). 2016. Fielding Transnationalism. Sociological Review Monograph Series. London: Sage. Read the introduction here.

Claudio Benzecry and Monika Krause (eds.). 2010. Practicing Knowledge in Comparative Perspective, Special Issue of Qualitative Sociology, 33 (4). Read the introduction here

Monika Krause, Mary Nolan, Michael Palm, Andrew Ross (ed.). 2008. The University Against Itself: The NYU Strike and the Future of the Academic Workplace. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Other Publications

Monika Krause. 2024. "Interpretation and Critical Classification. Geertzism and Beyond in the Sociology of Culture." Sociologica 18 (1)

Monika Krause. 2024. "Scientificity before Scientism: The Invention of Cultural Research in German Studies of Antiquity 1800-1850." Theory and Society.

Monika Krause. 2023. "Theorizing from neglected cases". Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory

Monika Krause. 2023. "Anti-colonial Thought and Post-national Theories of the State/ Standpoint Theory and Theorizing in International Sociology. Commentary on Go’s BJS Lecture," British Journal of Sociology. 

Monika Krause and Katherine Robinson. 2022. "Non-liberal Internationalism: Mission Agencies as international NGOs.Global Society.

Monika Krause. 2021. "How NGO practices mediate Human Rights." In: Dennis Dijkzeul and Yves Beigbeder (eds.) Rethinking International Organizations: Pathology and Promise. New York: Berghahn.  

Monika Krause and Katherine Robinson. 2021. "Materialising reform: how conservation encounters collection practises in zoos." Journal of Cultural Economy. DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2021.1952096

Monika Krause. 2021. "On Sociological Reflexivity." Sociological Theory.

Monika Krause. 2020. "The post-national analysis of fields." in Stefan Bernhard and Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg (eds.) Charting Transnational Fields. London: Routledge. 

Monika Krause. 2020. "Prioritization in human rights NGOs: the role of intra-organizational units of planning." Journal of Human Rights, 19 (2). 168 - 182. ISSN 1475-4835.

Franzen, Martina, Monika Krause, Christian Daye, Verena Halsmayer, Julian Hamann, Nicole Holzhauser, Jasper Korte, Fran Osrecki, Andrea Ploder, and Barbara Sutter. 2019. “Das DFG-Netzwerk ‘Soziologie Soziogischen Wissens.’” Soziologie 48, no. 3 (2019): 293–308. 

Monika Krause. 2019. "What is Zeitgeist? Examining period-specific cultural patterns." Poetics.

Monika Krause. 2018. “Projects in International Aid.” in Frederic Graber and Martin Giradeau (eds) Les Projets. Un histoire politique, XVIe a XXIe Siecle. Paris: Presse des Mines, 107-121. 

Monika Krause and Katherine Robinson. 2017. "Charismatic species and beyond: how cultural schemas and organisational routines shape conservation." Conservation and Society, 15 (3). pp. 313-321

Monika Krause. 2017. "How Fields Vary." British Journal of Sociology 69 (1). (Honorable Mention, Junior Theorist Award, Theory Section of the American Sociological Association).

Monika Krause. 2017. “The Patterns in-Between: Field as a Conceptual Variable”, in: Claudio Benzecry, Monika Krause and Isaac Reed (eds.) Social Theory Now. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Monika Krause. 2016. “Comparative Research: Beyond linear-causal explanation”, in: Joe Deville, Michael Guggenheim and Zusanna Hrldckova (ed). Practising Comparison. Logics. Relations, Collaborations. Manchester: Mattering Press

Monika Krause. 2016. “Western Hegemony in the Social Sciences: fields and model systems.” Sociological Review 64(2): 194-211.

Monika Krause. 2016. "The Meanings of Theorizing." British Journal of Sociology 67 (1): 23-29.

Monika Krause. 2016. "Clarification? Yes! Standardization? No. Or: What kind of cooperation for the sociology of culture?American Sociologist: 1-5.

Monika Krause. 2014. "The Role of Best Examples in Human Rights."

Monika Krause and Michael Guggenheim. 2013. “The Couch as a Laboratory? The Knowledge-Spaces of Psychoanalysis between the Sciences and the Professions.” European Journal of Sociology 54 (2): 187 -210

Monika Krause. 2013."The Ruralization of the World." Public Culture 25 (2), 233 - 248

Anna Holzscheiter and Monika Krause. 2013. "Macht und Global Governance – Repräsentationsmacht und feldspezifische Logiken des Handelns von NRO im transnationalen Raum" (Power and Global Governance – Symbolic Power and field-specific Logics of Practice among NGOs in transnational Spaces.“ Leviathan, 41 (28): 1-26

Monika Krause. 2013. “Recombining Micro and Macro: The Grammar of Theoretical Innovation” European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2): 139-152

Monika Krause and Alexandra Kowalski. 2013. “Reflexive habits: dating and rationalised conduct in New York and Berlin.” Sociological Review 61 (2): 21-41

Craig Calhoun and Monika Krause. 2013. "People need and want solidarities and social reproduction. An Interview with Craig Calhoun". in: Richard Saskwa and Piotr Dutkiewicz (eds.) Twenty Ways to Fix the World: Interviews with the World’s Foremost Thinkers. New York: New York University Press.

Michael Guggenheim and Monika Krause. 2012. “How Facts Travel. The Model Systems of Sociology.” Poetics 40: 101-117

Monika Krause. 2012. "Theory as an anti-subfield subfield." Perspectives. Newsletter of the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association, 34 (2):6-12

Monika Krause.  2011. “Reporting and the Transformations of the Journalistic Field: US News Media, 1890-2000”, Media, Culture, and Society 33 (1): 89-104

Monika Krause. 2010. “Accounting for State Intervention. The Social Histories of Beneficiaries.”, Qualitative Sociology 33 (4): 533-547

Claudio Benzecry and Monika Krause. 2010. "How do they Know? Introduction" in: Claudio Benzecry and Monika Krause (eds.). 2010. Practicing Knowledge in Comparative Perspective, Special Issue of Qualitative Sociology, 33 (4), pp. 415-423. 

Monika Krause. 2008. “Undocumented Migrants: An Arendtian Perspective.”, European Journal of Political Theory 7(3): 331-348

Monika Krause. 2007. “Practicing Authorship: The Case of Brecht’s Plays.” in: Craig Calhoun and Richard Sennett (ed.): Practicing Culture. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 215-230.

Monika Krause and Oskar Negt. 2006. “The Production of Counter Publics and the Counter-Publics of Production." Interview with Oskar Negt.” European Journal of Social Theory 9 (1): 119-128

Monika Krause. 2005. New Orleans: The Public Sphere of the Disaster,

View a comprehensive list of Professor Krause's publications



Monika Krause's research addresses comparative questions about forms of expertise, professions, organisations and fields of practice.

Her book Model Cases. On Canonical Research Objects and Sites (Chicago University Press 2021) asks about the concrete material research objects behind shared conversations about classes of objects, periods and regions in the social sciences and humanities. 

In The Good Project. Humanitarian NGOs and the Fragmentation of Reason (Chicago University Press 2014) she examined the shared space of humanitarian relief NGOs.

She has also written on journalists, playwrights, psychoanalysts, conservation NGOs, and human rights NGOs.  Her theoretical work develops concepts for sociological analysis and seeks to apply insights from a sociology of the social sciences to sociological practice. 

Monika is part of the Politics and Human Rights research cluster.

Teaching and PhD supervision