Dr Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Dr Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Visiting Senior Fellow

Department of Sociology

Key Expertise
Sociology, Visual Anthropology, Borders, Mobilities, Migration

About me

Natalia Ribas-Mateos is the Maria Zambrano Researcher at TRANSMENA (UAB, Barcelona) and Mesopolhis (Aix-Marseille). She is also a member of the Fatéma Mernissi Chair (Rabat). Her recent books are “Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration” (EE, 2021, with T. Dunn); “Social Mobilisation in Morocco. Lessons Learned from a Historically Informed Activism” (Ibidem, 2022, with L.Feliu, J.Ll. Mateo and F. Izquierdo). “The Elgar Companion to Gender and Global Migration” (EE, 2022, with S. Sassen). And “The Encyclopaedia on Global Migration: New Mobilites and Artivism” (EE, 2023, with L. Oso and M. Moralli).

She is currently working on a new research related to Mediterranean Mobilities (Oujda/Tangiers/Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto), related to sexual violence and new forms of activism in imperial/global cities (London/Paris).

Her current research interests include Sociology, Visual Anthropology; Borders, Mobilities, Migration, and Territoriality; Urban studies, Critical Globalisation, Gender (care workers and agriculture workers); Labour market and Youth; Family and the welfare state; History of the Global South; Humanitarian and securitization policies.