
GPPN Dual Degree Programme

The School of Public Policy, along with six other prestigious policy schools around the world, is a member of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN).

The Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) promotes international debate, comparative perspectives and research on the most pressing global policy issues. Through the GPPN the MPA runs a series of dual degrees with selected partners, providing a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach to policy-making. Students who complete the dual degree receive a degree from both institutions that they attend.

How does it work?

Successful applicants to the dual degree programme will study at two different institutions over the course of their two-year programme. At the end of the second year, students who successfully complete both years of study will receive two degrees: one from LSE, and one from the GPPN partner institution at which they studied.

The SPP's dual degree international partner schools and their corresponding programmes are:

Students can either:

a) Study at LSE for their first year, and apply to spend their second year at one of our dual degree partner institutions

b) Study at one of our partner institutions for their first year, and apply to spend their second year on the LSE MPA

On average, between 5% and 15% of first year LSE MPA students apply to spend their second year at one of our dual degree partner schools. The number of applicants varies each year. In total, approximately 5 students transfer to a partner school for their second year.

*Please note that the academic year at GraSPP operates on a different schedule to LSE, and that students spending their second year there will graduate at a later date from other students in their LSE cohort. 

The School of Public Policy also offers three double degree programmes with Columbia University, Sciences Po and the University of Toronto. Applicants for these double degree programmes must apply via the standard open admissions process prior to starting the programme, rather than during their first year of study. Find out more about the double degree programmes and their application processes on our study pages.   


What is the dual degree curriculum?

Students who join LSE for their second year from the Hertie School will take the MPA Capstone, two units of option courses and the dissertation.

Students who join LSE for their second year from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy or the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) at the University of Tokyo will take the MPA Capstone and three units of option courses, which can include a dissertation OR policy paper. 

An additional half-unit compulsory course for MPA Year 2 is in the process of being approved by LSE to start in 2025/26. This will change the number of option course units to 1.5 units for students from the Hertie School and to 2.5 units for students from LKYSPP and GraSPP.

Option course units can be courses from the MPA curriculum or outside option courses (subject to availability).  Dual Degree students do not select an MPA specialism but are welcome (and encouraged) to take courses from the MPA specialisms.

Students who begin their studies at LSE and move to a partner school for their second year will need to fulfil the second year curriculum requirements of the partner school.

How do I apply?

Students apply for the dual degree through the school at which they begin their studies. It is not possible to apply directly to the dual degree before beginning the first year of your studies. 

Students who begin their studies at LSE

Information about the dual degree will be provided to LSE MPA students in November/December of their first year. Applications are made in January and decisions are normally available in March. Students may apply to as many dual degree partner schools as they wish and if they receive more than one offer, will have the choice of which offer to accept. Students must meet the dual degree progression requirements to be eligible to transfer to the partner school for their second year.

Students who begin their studies at a partner school

Your first year school will provide you with information about how and when to apply for the dual degree. You will need to meet LSE’s English language requirements.

All students who are accepted for the dual degree will pay the tuition fees of the school they attend for their second year.


If you have queries about the LSE part of the MPA dual degree, please feel free to contact us at If you are a first year student at a partner school and have queries about how to apply to the dual degree, please contact the administrative team at your current school.