The European Banking Union is agonizing. None of its two stated objectives - breaking the diabolic loop between banks and sovereigns, and securing a single market for banks - has been achieved. In fact, the banking market is more fragmented today than it was during the financial and sovereign debt crisis. During the lecture, Member of the European Parliament and former LSE Professor Luis Garicano will discuss the reasons for the lack of progress in the last five years and the risks posed by the current impasse, as well as delineate possible paths forward.
Professor Luis Garicano (@lugaricano) is a Member of the European Parliament, leader of Ciudadanos in Europe, and Vice President for Economic Affairs of Renew Europe. He is also a Professor of Strategy at IE Business School (currently on leave). Before entering elective politics, he was a Professor of Strategy and Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and previously a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, focusing on the relationship between technology, inequality, the organisation of work, and economic growth.
Professor Andrés Velasco (@AndresVelasco) is Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.
The LSE School of Public Policy (@LSEPublicPolicy) is an international community where ideas and practice meet. Our approach creates professionals with the ability to analyse, understand and resolve the challenges of contemporary governance.
The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) is a centre for research and graduate teaching on the processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the Institute was ranked first for research in its sector.
The Centre For Macroeconomics (@CFMUK) is a research centre that brings together a group of world class experts to carry out pioneering research on the global economic crisis and help design policies to alleviate it.
The Financial Markets Group Research Centre (@FMG_LSE) was established in 1987 at the LSE. The FMG is a leading centre in Europe for policy research into financial markets.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEGaricano
A podcast of this event is available to download from The State of European Banking Union: two proposals to resurrect it.
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